Hi All,

In the MyFacesTest project, we have a mock implementation of the
ValueExpression.getValue() method, see

That method has an javax.el.ELContext parameter, that contains a reference
to the ELResolver.  However, in the method, we use the ELResolver from the
Application object (
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().getELResolver() ) and not
the one passed in as method parameter.

I found in the specs that both should reference to the same instance but in
ExtVal we have an ExtValELResolver.  And Matt found out (see EXTVAL-133 and
MYFACESTEST-51) that they are not the same in the tests of ExtVal 2.0.x.
(ExtValELResolver in parameter but std ELResolver in Application object)

So my question now is (since those lines of codes aren't changed since the
Shale test import) : Could there be any conflict/misbehaviour/etc ... when
we use the ELResolver from the parameter instead of the one from the

Myfaces core (https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/myfaces/core/trunk) doesn't
break with the change.

Thx for your feedback

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