hi cosmin,

thx for the update!

just a minor comment:
maybe we should use viewconfig instead of viewconfigResource as name for the



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2011/8/4 Martinconi Cosmin <cosmin.martinc...@codebeat.ro>

> Hi everyone,
> I have done some more work on the GSoC project "Seam-Forge plugin for
> MyFaces CODI",
> the current status of the project can be checked at [1]. The features
> provided until now include:
>    - "*codi viewconfig-create-folder --name Pages*" - creates a new
>    Folder(ViewConfig) configuration
>        named "Pages" in the base package directory and a new directory:
>    "./main/webapp/pages"
>    - "*codi viewconfig-create-folder --name Wizard --in Pages*" - creates
>    a new folder config named "Wizard"
>        in the "Pages" ViewConfig  and a new directory:
>    "./main/webapp/pages/wizard"
>    - "*codi viewconfig-create-page --name Step1 --in Pages.Wizard*"-
>    creates a new page config named "Step1"
>        in the "Pages.Wizard" folder and a new
>    page:"./main/webapp/pages/wizard/step1.xhtml"
>    - "*codi viewconfig-create-config --name SecuredPages --voter
>    LoginAccessDecisionVoter*" - creates a new
>        "ViewConfig" file called "SecuredPages" with an
>    "@Secured(LoginAccessDecisionVoter.class)" annotation.
>        Also an "LoginAccessDecisionVoter" java file which extends
>    "AbstractAccessDecisionVoter" is created
>    - "codi viewconfig-list-all" - prints all the configuration for a given
>    ViewConfig.
> Other commands available are:
>    - codi viewconfig-create-page --name ErrorPage --in Pages --errorPage
>    - codi viewconfigResource --name Pages --redirect
>    - codi viewconfigResource --name Pages.Wizard --extendWith SecuredPages
>    - codi viewconfig-list-pages
> I provided a "README.txt" file in the project that will give more details.
> Any new requirements and suggestions are
> welcomed.
> Regards,
> Cosmin
> [1]http://wiki.apache.org/myfaces/GSoC2011_Codi_RAD
> On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 7:03 PM, Gerhard Petracek <
> gerhard.petra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> hi cosmin,
>> great! i'll have a look at it within the next days.
>> regards,
>> gerhard
>> http://www.irian.at
>> Your JSF powerhouse -
>> JSF Consulting, Development and
>> Courses in English and German
>> Professional Support for Apache MyFaces
>> 2011/7/7 Martinconi Cosmin <cosmin.martinc...@codebeat.ro>
>>> Hi,
>>> I am currently working on the "Seam-Forge plugin for MyFaces CODI"[1]
>>> project
>>> for this year's GSoC and I would highly appreciate your feedback
>>> regarding the
>>> implementation and any future requirements for the plugin.
>>> You can checkout the project from [2] where a README file will provide
>>> the
>>> necessary information regarding the setup and usage instruction.
>>> For now the plugin provides ''setup" and "add-new-view" commands. The
>>> first one
>>> will install the CodiFacet which ensures that all required dependencies
>>> are added to
>>> a given project. The "add-new-view" command offers support for adding new
>>> views and
>>> view configurations in a type-safe CODI manner. I am currently working on
>>> the
>>> "add-new-view" functionality.
>>> Any inputs and suggestions regarding the plugin are welcomed.
>>> Regards,
>>> Cosmin
>>> [1] http://wiki.apache.org/myfaces/GSoC2011_Codi_RAD
>>> [2] http://gsoc2011-seam-forge-codi-plugin.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/

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