hi cosmin,

thx for the update. i think users who prefer command-line tools will like
with some additional work we could create e.g. ide plugins based on the core

i think it would be nice to promote it to apache-extras (it's easy for you
to continue there).

after an ongoing and close interaction with the community even after gsoc,
ali became a committer last year.
i'm looking forward to seeing the same with you and codi-rad.



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2011/8/19 Martinconi Cosmin <cosmin.martinc...@codebeat.ro>

> Hi,
> The GSoC program is near to it's finish and the features proposed and fixed
> for the
> project within this program are available at [1]. A new auto-complete
> functionality is
> added which can be tested with the "codi viewconfigResource --name "
> command, and also
> some fixes and enhancements were done.
> All the informations required to launch and test the plugin are available
> within the README file.
> I will enjoy continuing working on the project and would appreciate any
> feedback and future
> requirement suggestions.
> Regards,
> Cosmin
> [1] http://gsoc2011-seam-forge-codi-plugin.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/

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