
I'm not sure what you are asking. Are you asking what "prototype" means in JavaScript? If that is what you are asking, then the quickie answer is that Javascript uses template-based inheritance. Every JS Object has a prototype property pointing to the instance that this JS Object will delegate to. Some JS frameworks simulate class-based inheritance by creating an instance representing a class and then making that instance the prototype of all of the instances of that "class". Similarly a "subclass" would have it's superclass as its prototype.

Putting this together:

function TrPanelPopup()
  //define object properties
  this._content = false;
  this._trigger = false;
  this._centered = false;
  this._modal = false;
  this._visible = false;

Is a constructor.

new TrPanelPopup() would create an instance of TrPanelPopup.

TrPanelPopup.prototype.getContent = function()

Is assigning the getContent() function to the prototype of instances created through new TrPanelPopup(). getContent() ends up being similar to an instance method.

You can also create something like a static method, like so:

TrPanelPopup.staticGetContent = function()

Notice the lack of the prototype. Callers would refer to this method (var myContent = TrPanelPopup.staticGetContent()) directly rather than through an instance:

var thePopup = new TrPanelPopup();
var theContent = thePopup.getContent();

-- Blake Sullivan

On 7/5/12 5:59 AM, Leonardo Uribe wrote:

I tried to add this to trinidad-impl pom.xml:


It is the same we use in myfaces core to generate javascript doc. The
good news is it works. We could add it as a report to generate it when
the site is build or include it as a jar.

But before do that, we need to add the proper jsdoc annotations.
Unfortunately, I get lost in the pattern used to annotate classes.

Does anybody knows which are the used code conventions in that part?.
For example in TrPanelPopup for example:

function TrPanelPopup()
   //define object properties
   this._content = false;
   this._trigger = false;
   this._centered = false;
   this._modal = false;
   this._visible = false;

TrPanelPopup.prototype.getContent = function()

What is prototype? the body of the class?.

I think with the work already done to generate the jsdoc in myfaces
core, generate the same info for trinidad is easy, but obviously jsdoc
annotations are a little bit tricky.


Leonardo Uribe

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