The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of Apache
MyFaces Tomahawk 1.1.14.

MyFaces Tomahawk provides a series of JavaServer Faces components that
go beyond the JSF specification. These components are compatible with
the Sun JSF 1.1 Reference Implementation (RI) or any other JSF 1.1
compatible implementation. Of course the custom components can also be
used with the Apache JSF implementation "MyFaces Core".

There are also artifacts (tomahawk12, tomahawk20) with enhanced
compatibility with JSF 1.2 and JSF 2.0

MyFaces Tomahawk 1.1.14 is available in both binary and source distributions.


MyFaces Tomahawk is also available in the central Maven repository
under Group ID "org.apache.myfaces.tomahawk".

Release Notes - MyFaces Tomahawk - Version 1.1.14


    [TOMAHAWK-1631] - inputCalendar (js-popup): exception in popcalendar.js
    [TOMAHAWK-1633] - Arbitrary Session Variable Override using Captcha Renderer
    [TOMAHAWK-1637] - Potential XSS security issue in FieldsetRenderer
    [TOMAHAWK-1639] - AbstractHtmlDataTable.expandAllDetails() doesn't
work unless rowKey is specified on dataTable
    [TOMAHAWK-1642] - t:schedule tooltip is not rendered on IE8


    [TOMAHAWK-1628] - HtmlDataTable ignores the attribute 'rowClasses'
    [TOMAHAWK-1629] - Add 'lang' and 'xmlns' attributes to html root tag
    [TOMAHAWK-1630] - Render conditional comments for IE at the html tag
    [TOMAHAWK-1634] - Zero state for autoscroll script and hidden field
    [TOMAHAWK-1635] - Allow 'long' values for maxSize and maxFileSize
    [TOMAHAWK-1638] - Do not activate preserveSort if
sortColumn/sortAscending is not used
    [TOMAHAWK-1640] - Add ajaxBodyRender property to allow render or
execute only the body part in an ajax operation
    [TOMAHAWK-1641] - Update t:dataTable to JSF 2.1 (use TransientStateHolder)


Leonardo Uribe

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