What I meant is <f:validateBean disabled="#{yourElExpression}

I e.g. use this when I need open a search dialogue in a new window. Most people 
use immediate="true" for that but that has the nasty side effect that you loose 
all the entered value in the other fields of your dialogue. A conditional 
validateBean works great for that.


> From: "it-media.k...@daimler.com" <it-media.k...@daimler.com>
>To: dev@myfaces.apache.org 
>Sent: Friday, December 7, 2012 8:15 AM
>Subject: Re: AW: Re: Re: Regression between myfaces-extval-core and 
>primefaces: System-Event-Listeners are called too late.
>thanks for your reply. I do not want
to disable validation completely, just prevent client side behavior (if
thats possible). 
>07.12.2012 08:10
>Bitte antworten an
> An dev@myfaces.apache.org 
>Thema AW: Re: Re: Regression between myfaces-extval-core
and primefaces: System-Event-Listeners are called too late. 
>maybe try disabling the block with <f:validateBean>?
>it-media.k...@daimler.com schrieb am Do., 6. Dez 2012 21:53 PST:
>>Hello Gerhard,
>>I will do so. I tried a very simple example just yet, but this does
>>show the issue. I've a feeling that I need to add at last some bean 
>>validation annotations to a used bean in the view to trigger the extval 
>>proxy to do its work. My assumtion is that extval tries to parse the
>>to include maybe client side validation parts and does so before any 
>>system event handlers have been initialized.
>>I'll head back to you with a link for an example.
>>Just because I'm curious, is there a configuration option to temporarily 
>>disable any client side validation?
>>Best regards,
>>06.12.2012 10:47
>>Bitte antworten an
>>Re: Regression between myfaces-extval-core and primefaces: 
>>System-Event-Listeners are called too late.
>>hi heiko,
>>it would be great if you can provide a link to a small example which 
>>illustrates the issue.
>>Your JSF/JavaEE powerhouse -
>>JavaEE Consulting, Development and
>>Courses in English and German
>>Professional Support for Apache MyFaces
>>2012/12/6 <it-media.k...@daimler.com>
>>We have come across an issue that occurs in the combination of 
>>myfaces-extval and primefaces.
>>We use the following configuration:
>>myfaces-extcdi-bundle-jsf20 (1.0.6)
>>myfaces-extval-core (2.0.6)
>>myfaces-extval-bean-validation (2.0.6)
>>myfaces-extval-property-validation (2.0.6)
>>primefaces-3.5 (revision 8433)
>>The new primefaces uses a JSF System-Event-Listener to register a widget 
>>builder in the context. 
>>    <source-class>javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot</source-class>
>>with the following content:
>>public class PreRenderViewListener implements SystemEventListener {
>>    public boolean isListenerForSource(Object source) {
>>        return true;
>>    }
>>    public void processEvent(SystemEvent event) throws 
>>AbortProcessingException {
>>new WidgetBuilder());
>>    }
>>However, this system event listener seems to be called too late, as
>>ExtValLazyRendererProxy tries to encode components first. This leads
to an 
>>exception at application start:
>>at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.encodeAll(UIComponent.java:626)
>>at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.encodeAll(UIComponent.java:622)
>>at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.encodeAll(UIComponent.java:622)
>>Primefaces rejected this an an error in their code. Is there a way
>>within myfaces-extval-core, it can be made sure that system event 
>>listeners are called before the lazy renderer starts its work?
>>Thank you very much for your help,
>>Best regards,
>>If you are not the intended addressee, please inform us immediately
>>you have received this e-mail in error, and delete it. We thank you
>>your cooperation. 
>>If you are not the intended addressee, please inform us immediately
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>If you are not the intended addressee, please inform us immediately that you 
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