
DR>> How about @ViewAction("/section1", action="exportExcel")

It will not work because you can't change the annotation definition.
In other words, we should make "action" parameter a reserved one.
Also, the parameter by itself can have a converter or validator or a
EL binding, so you need to define that too. That's why @ViewParam or
something that define the parameter is required.



2014-05-15 14:30 GMT+02:00 Dora Rajappan <dorarajap...@yahoo.com>:
> <a href="#{ma:getLink('/section1/mypage?action=exportExcel')}">Export
> excel</a>  can work
> when the definition is
>  @ViewAction("/section1/*", action="exportExcel")
> How about
>  @ViewAction("/section1", action="exportExcel")
> On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 12:01 AM, Dora Rajappan <dorarajap...@yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> How will  <a href="#{ma:getLink('mypage?action=exportExcel')}">Export
> excel</a>
> work when ViewAction is not defined as
> @ViewAction(value="/sayhello.xhtml",
>                           params= {
>                               @ViewParam(name="action",
> expectedValue="exportExcel")
>                           })
>     public void method3(@ViewParam String param1,
> @ViewParam("someOther") Integer param2)
>     {
> but  as @ViewAction("/section1/*", action="exportExcel")
> Is the latter not supported now?
> facelet function getLink for action processing is not a bad idea.
> On Sunday, May 11, 2014 11:52 PM, Leonardo Uribe <lu4...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Ok, I think the idea about @ViewAction and @ViewParam is clear, I have
> implemented a fast prototype and it works well, there is a lot of things we
> can do for improvement, however we should focus the attention in other
> areas so we can give the module a better structure.
> The next thing we need is how to combine javascript with JSF, specifically
> in cases like this:
> <input id="search"/>
> <script type="text/javascript">
>     $('#search').autocomplete({
>         source: "#{some EL that return a link to an action goes here}"
>     });
> </script>
> The idea is provide an input box and then write some javascript lines to
> make the component an autocomplete box, but the problem is we need to
> provide
> a URL that can be used to retrieve the values to fill the box. In my
> opinion,
> mix EL and javascript is the best in these cases, but things get complex
> quickly when you need to provide parameters and so on. So I would like to
> propose these facelet functions (better with examples):
>     <a href="#{ma:getLink('mypage?action=exportExcel')}">Export excel</a>
> and
>     <ma:defineLink id="mylink">
>         <f:param name="action" value="renderMessage"/>
>     </ma:defineLink>
>     <a href="#{ma:getLinkFrom('mylink')}">Render url from EL expression</a>
> #{ma:getLink(...)} work just like h:link but receives the outcome as
> parameter.
> The function append the request path and the client window id, so the final
> generated link will be something like this:
> http://localhost:8080/myfaces-mvc-examples/sayhello.jsf?id=5&jfwid=1di8uhetf9&action=exportExcel
> #{ma:getLinkFrom(...)} just inject the link from a component that works just
> like h:link but it is just a wrapper, so the user can customize the
> parameters,
> when the EL function is called, the link is rendered taking the parameters
> in the definition. The outcome by default is the page itself.
> Please note this proposal is something different from the one that suggest
> to
> create the link just pointing to the method in the bean like
> #{ma:getLink('mybean', 'mymethod', params)}. After thinking about it, the
> problem with that approach is the difficulty to do the match between the
> link
> to generate and the method. EL does not consider annotated methods, so it is
> not possible to scan the annotations from the EL unless you do a bypass over
> CDI.
> I think the approach proposed is something simple to understand, and it has
> the advantage that you can isolate the declaration of the link from the
> rendering, so the final javascript code will be easier to read.
> Finally we need something for the POST case, so the idea is append something
> like this:
>     <form action="#{ma:encodeActionURL()}"
>           method="post"
>           enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
>         ....
>     </form>
> #{ma:encodeActionURL()} do what h:form does for encode the action url. Then,
> it is responsibility of the user to provide the view state and client window
> token in the request as data, so the postback can be processed properly.
> In this case, the idea is the view scope will be available, but the
> component
> tree state will not be updated when POST goes back to the client, so any
> changes on the component tree in the action will be ignored.
> JSF does not make any difference between GET and POST, so viewParam will
> work just the same. What defines a postback in JSF is if the view state
> field is in the request or not. Theoretically, use #{ma:getLink(...)} should
> work too, but I think there are different cases.
> There is a contradiction in this case. Send a POST, provide the view state
> token, do not restore the view but restore the view scope bean. The problem
> is
> after you make changes on the view scope beans you need to save those
> changes,
> and that could mean update the view state token, even if the beans are
> stored
> in the server (remember the beans can be serialized, for example in a
> cluster).
> If we take a look at the proposed goals:
> 1) possibility to use a normal JSF lifecycle for the first GET request
> 2) allow action handling and custom response for POST actions
> 3) normal action handling like in asp.net MVC + a EL util function to
> generate the action URL
> we cannot really make number 2 exactly as POST actions. It doesn't fit
> because
> "... JSF’s core architecture is designed to be independent of specific
> protocols and markup. ...".
> Really the problem proposed in number 2 is not simple and we should analyze
> it
> carefully. In which cases do we really need that kind of action handling? If
> we are thinking for example in a JSF component that defines an endpoint with
> a
> custom response (for example a captcha component), we need a component
> oriented
> solution, something closer as what we have for ajax. What we have proposed
> here with @ViewAction works in the case the user needs to define an endpoint
> at the "page" level.
> Really the big problem is how to hook the javascript code, so the updates of
> the view state on the client side can be properly chained. For example in
> MyFaces there is a queue for all ajax request, but we need that the actions
> sent that requires update the view state can be synchronized with that
> ajax queue too.
> I think what we have already is enough useful for a module. After all, we
> don't need to solve all the problems at once.
> Suggestions are welcomed.
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe
> 2014-05-05 0:05 GMT+02:00 Leonardo Uribe <lu4...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi Thomas
>> TA>> AFAIR now, your solutions seems to be just a replacement for
>> f:viewAction
>> TA>> + allow different handlers via URL parameters.
>> TA>> Its sound really lightweight and easy actually :)
>> TA>> Does it cover all our requirements from the earlier mails?
>> TA>>
>> I think so, but we need to write some examples to be sure that the syntax
>> cover
>> all cases.
>> Instead put a Front Controller on top of the lifecycle, we can go with
>> this approach
>> and provide some methods to call JSF algorithm inline. We already have
>> some
>> code in VDL.createComponent(...) that does inline compilation, so it
>> is not really
>> hard to write the necessary lines to do so (if the code is properly
>> implemented
>> of course). The idea could be provide something like:
>> JSFUtils.generatePage("/mypage.xhtml", ....)
>> and internally we call the algorithm, and deal with the potential
>> problems.
>> So, if the user really wants to go with a MVC framework and use JSF as
>> template
>> engine, it will be as simple as write the adapter for the framework.
>> We should not
>> reinvent the wheel in this case. So, all other cases not supported by
>> f:viewAction/f:viewParam, which should be very, very few, should be done
>> writing
>> a servlet or using an MVC framework like JAX-RS, and if necessary calling
>> JSF at render time.
>> The nice part about reuse f:viewAction logic is that is something
>> proved, everybody
>> knows how it works, we are just extending the syntax to define
>> f:viewAction in
>> a more familiar way. In practice we need to write a custom component
>> extending
>> UIViewAction, but that's something easy, I have already done it and it
>> works.
>> That should cover most of the cases. There are other cases that are
>> indirectly
>> related to this one, but after some review, it doesn't seem to be so
>> interesting
>> or useful, or can be too complex to implement properly, so we need to
>> wait and push
>> it into the next spec. Sometimes less is more. Let's see what happen.
>>>> Whats the syntax for multiple params? ->
>>>> params="action=exportExcel&someOther=string"?
>>>> Maybe we could think about a more typesafe and readable way. e.g.
>>>> @ViewAction(value="my.xhtml", params = {
>>>>      @ViewParam(name="action", value="exportExcel"),
>>>>      @ViewParam(name="someOther", value="string")
>>>> })
>> I was thinking about this:
>>    @ViewAction(value="/sayhello.xhtml", params="action=exportExcel")
>>    public void method3(@ViewParam String param1,
>> @ViewParam("someOther") Integer param2)
>>    {
>> The method has two parts: one define the parameters that should be present
>> and the other define the activation conditions, in this case, when
>> action=exportExcel. Please note to make @ViewParam("someOther"), we
>> need to associate value to the key name. So we could do something
>> like this:
>>    @ViewAction(value="/sayhello.xhtml",
>>                          params= {
>>                                @ViewParam(name="action",
>> expectedValue="exportExcel")
>>                          })
>>    public void method3(@ViewParam String param1,
>> @ViewParam("someOther") Integer param2)
>>    {
>> I think in this way it looks better. Thanks for the suggestion.
>> regards,
>> Leonardo

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