Hi Thomas

To get a better idea about what's pending for 2.3, below there is result of:

mvn -PcheckCompatibility install

Comparing against RI 2.3.0-m09. Please note the list include some bugs in
spec too, but it gives you a good idea about where to look at for changes.

The package javax.faces.component and javax.faces.component.html contains
some small/easy changes related to renderers and other stuff, that could
raise your attention.


Leonardo Uribe

[ERROR] 8001: javax.faces.application.ApplicationMap: Klasse
tion.ApplicationMap wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.application.ResourceHandler: Method 'public
stream.Stream getViewResources(javax.faces.context.FacesContext,
g, int, javax.faces.application.ResourceVisitOption[])' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.application.ResourceHandler: Method 'public
stream.Stream getViewResources(javax.faces.context.FacesContext,
g, javax.faces.application.ResourceVisitOption[])' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.application.ResourceHandler: Method 'public
boolean is
ResourceRendered(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.String,
tring)' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.application.ResourceHandler: Method 'public void
esourceRendered(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.String,
ring)' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.application.ResourceHandlerWrapper: Method
'public jav
a.util.stream.Stream getViewResources(javax.faces.context.FacesContext,
g.String, int, javax.faces.application.ResourceVisitOption[])' wurde
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.application.ResourceHandlerWrapper: Method
'public jav
a.util.stream.Stream getViewResources(javax.faces.context.FacesContext,
g.String, javax.faces.application.ResourceVisitOption[])' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.application.ResourceHandlerWrapper: Method
'public boo
lean isResourceRendered(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.String,
.lang.String)' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.application.ResourceHandlerWrapper: Method
'public voi
d markResourceRendered(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.String,
lang.String)' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 8001: javax.faces.application.ResourceVisitOption: Klasse
plication.ResourceVisitOption wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.application.ViewHandler: Method 'public
am.Stream getViews(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.String)'
wurde en
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.application.ViewHandler: Method 'public
am.Stream getViews(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.String,
int)' wur
de entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.application.ViewHandlerWrapper: Method 'public
il.stream.Stream getViews(javax.faces.context.FacesContext,
java.lang.String)' w
urde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.application.ViewHandlerWrapper: Method 'public
il.stream.Stream getViews(javax.faces.context.FacesContext,
java.lang.String, in
t)' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 8001: javax.faces.component.UIImportConstants: Klasse
ent.UIImportConstants wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 6011: javax.faces.component.UIInput: Field
N_REQUIRED_IS_TRUE has been removed, but it was previously a constant
[ERROR] 6011: javax.faces.component.UIInput: Field
ME has been removed, but it was previously a constant
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.component.UISelectOne: Method 'public
 getGroup()' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.component.UISelectOne: Method 'public void
va.lang.String)' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 6011: javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot: Field
EUES_EXCEPTIONS_PARAM_NAME has been removed, but it was previously a
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot: Method 'public
java.util.List ge
tComponentResources(javax.faces.context.FacesContext)' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.component.UIWebsocket: Method 'public
r getPort()' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.component.UIWebsocket: Method 'public void
a.lang.Integer)' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlColumn: Method 'public
ring getStyleClass()' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlColumn: Method 'public void
eClass(java.lang.String)' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 6001: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlColumn$PropertyKeys: Das Feld
Class wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable: Method 'public
.String getRowClass()' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable: Method 'public void
owClass(java.lang.String)' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 6001: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable$PropertyKeys: Das
Feld ro
wClass wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetButton: Method
 boolean isDisabled()' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetButton: Method
 void setDisabled(boolean)' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 6001:
javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetButton$PropertyKeys: D
as Feld disabled wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid: Method 'public
.String getRowClass()' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid: Method 'public void
owClass(java.lang.String)' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 6001: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid$PropertyKeys: Das
Feld ro
wClass wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio: Method 'public
.lang.String getGroup()' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio: Method 'public
 setGroup(java.lang.String)' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 6001: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio$PropertyKeys:
Das Fe
ld group wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 8001: javax.faces.context.RequestCookieMap: Klasse
equestCookieMap wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 8001: javax.faces.context.SessionMap: Klasse
Map wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 8001: javax.faces.model.FacesDataModel: Klasse
taModel wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 8001: javax.faces.model.IterableDataModel: Klasse
ableDataModel wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 6011: javax.faces.validator.BeanValidator: Field
EAN_PARAM_NAME has been removed, but it was previously a constant
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.view.ViewDeclarationLanguage: Method 'public
.stream.Stream getViews(javax.faces.context.FacesContext,
java.lang.String)' wur
de entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.view.ViewDeclarationLanguage: Method 'public
.stream.Stream getViews(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.String,
' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.view.ViewDeclarationLanguageFactory: Method
'public ja
va.util.List getAllViewDeclarationLanguages()' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.view.ViewDeclarationLanguageWrapper: Method
'public ja
va.util.stream.Stream getViews(javax.faces.context.FacesContext,
g)' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.view.ViewDeclarationLanguageWrapper: Method
'public ja
va.util.stream.Stream getViews(javax.faces.context.FacesContext,
g, int)' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 8001: javax.faces.view.ViewMap: Klasse javax.faces.view.ViewMap
wurde en
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.view.ViewMetadata: Method 'public
 getImportConstants(javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot)' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 7002: javax.faces.view.facelets.FaceletCache: Method 'public void
ew.facelets.FaceletCache$MemberFactory)' wurde entfernt
[ERROR] 6011: javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet: Field
ML_PARAM_NAME has been removed, but it was previously a constant

2017-02-09 15:30 GMT-05:00 Leonardo Uribe <lu4...@gmail.com>:

> Hi
> 2017-02-09 14:27 GMT-05:00 Thomas Andraschko <andraschko.tho...@gmail.com>
> :
>> @Leo
>> all right!
>> I would also like to cleanup some code in the new branch (unused stuff,
>> commented very old code and else...)
>> Can i do that? What about code in the "shared" project? It it also used
>> in other projects?
> Yes, a cleanup could be good, but in the past we have already done part of
> it. It is clear that now CDI is a requirement, so the code that check for
> CDI before do something can be bypassed.
> Shared is used historically by tomahawk and orchestra. The idea is do
> maintenance releases only, but probably we need to do one or two of
> tomahawk for JSF 2.3. Since CDI was adopted by Spring, there is no need to
> update this part (replaced by deltaspike).
> Really, i like to quality and performance of myfaces but the code really
>> needs a little bit cleanup in some places.
> Yes, well, I'm used to the code as is, but a bit of cleanup doesn't harm.
>> @Mike
>> yep, we should consider this in some months.
> Yes, I agree.
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe
>> 2017-02-09 20:15 GMT+01:00 Mike Kienenberger <mkien...@gmail.com>:
>>> It might be a bit early to consider this, but you should also pursue a
>>> press release for MyFaces 2.3.
>>> On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 2:10 PM, Leonardo Uribe <lu4...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Thomas
>>>> Ok, thanks for the list.
>>>> From my side I have been working on features like CDI integration,
>>>> h:commandScript and fixing wrappers/events. I still need to commit some
>>>> patches I'm working on related to this, but I hope to do it soon.
>>>> Most CDI integration is complete, only some small details related to
>>>> @FacesConfig and others. f:websocket is also complete.
>>>> Search Expression API is already done, so feel free to close it as
>>>> fixed. I have added 2.3.0 in jira.
>>>> regards,
>>>> Leonardo Uribe
>>>> 2017-02-09 7:38 GMT-05:00 Thomas Andraschko <
>>>> andraschko.tho...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> @Leo
>>>>> Should we already "resolve" the finished tickets like Search
>>>>> Expressions? So it would probably good if you could create a new version
>>>>> (2.3.0). I would asign it to the version and resolve then.
>>>>> 2017-02-09 13:19 GMT+01:00 Thomas Andraschko <
>>>>> andraschko.tho...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> i would like to invest more time in the JSF 2.3 branch.
>>>>>> I collected the new features from here:
>>>>>> http://arjan-tijms.omnifaces.org/p/jsf-23.html#1238
>>>>>> Features done or in progress:
>>>>>>     CDI alignment
>>>>>>         Injection and EL resolving of JSF artifacts
>>>>>>         Injection in more JSF artifacts
>>>>>>         CDI compatible @ManagedProperty
>>>>>>     Networking / AJAX
>>>>>>         WebSocket integration
>>>>>>     Components
>>>>>>         Component Search Expression framework
>>>>>> Features TODO:
>>>>>>     CDI alignment
>>>>>>         Native managed beans annotations deprecated
>>>>>>     Lifecycle
>>>>>>         System event published after view rendered
>>>>>>     Networking / AJAX
>>>>>>         Ajax method invocation
>>>>>>         Execute javascript from server at completion of AJAX response
>>>>>>         Updating multiple forms via AJAX
>>>>>>     Conversion / Validation
>>>>>>         Class level bean validation
>>>>>>         JDK 8 time support in f:convertDateTime
>>>>>>     Java API
>>>>>>         Support for the Iterable interface in UIData and UIRepeat
>>>>>>         Support for the Map interface in UIData and UIRepeat
>>>>>>         Support for custom types in UIData and UIRepeat
>>>>>>         Default getWrapped method for FacesWrapper implementations
>>>>>>     Components
>>>>>>         Freely placeable radio button component
>>>>>>         styleClass attribute on h:column
>>>>>>         rowClass attribute on h:dataTable
>>>>>>         Iteration in UIRepeat without backing model
>>>>>>         Automatic conversion in UISelectMany for Collection
>>>>>>         Importing constants into EL namespace
>>>>>>         Official spec recognition for dynamic component tree
>>>>>> manipulation
>>>>>>     Views and Resources
>>>>>>         Basic support for exact mapping (extensionless URLs)
>>>>>>         Obtaining list of all view resources
>>>>>>         Standardised resource rendered tracking
>>>>>>         Resource loading for components dynamically added via ajax
>>>>>>     Type-safety
>>>>>>         Generics for ExternalContext#getInitParamterMap
>>>>>>         Generics for Converter and Validator interfaces
>>>>>>         Constants for "jsf.js", "javax.faces" and postback parameters
>>>>>>     Configuration
>>>>>>         Facelets default to non-hot reload in production
>>>>>>         .xhtml added to default mappings
>>>>>> I will create issues in jira and probably start this week with some
>>>>>> smaller features.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Thomas

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