+1 here as well.



From:   Thomas Andraschko <andraschko.tho...@gmail.com>
To:     MyFaces Development <dev@myfaces.apache.org>
Date:   04/26/2018 11:46 AM
Subject:        Re: Perform MyFaces 2.3.1 release?

+1 and move the open issue to 2.3.2

Am Donnerstag, 26. April 2018 schrieb Eduardo B :

  I just wanted to start the conversation with the community to check if we
  should start performing the release for MyFaces 2.3.1?

  We have fixed 18 JIRA issues, most of them are API signature methods, and
  some JS improvements as well. The following link would contain the
  release notes:


  We have only one open JIRA issue which seems a minor improvement:

  I'd like to start this soon, perhaps before the move to git so we can get
  a release out that includes these important changes.

  Any objections?

  Eduardo M. Breijo

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