
MyFaces Core Impl Shaded + Shaded Public was used years ago in other
component libaries like Trinidad, Tobago and Tomhawk, right?

Currently neither Trinidad nor Tomhawk is still active - and Tobago doesn't
use it, right?

As i said already said, 3.x is a good time to cleanup the project, as some
legacy parts of JSF like ManagedBeans and Faces EL will be removed.

I think it would be the right time to also merge back the "Shared Impls"
into the "Impl" module and remove some unused stuff.

I really would see it as an chance now, to make MyFaces maintainable for
the next years and cleanup as much as possible!

Mojarra takes the chance and even moved away from their old ant-based
builds! :D

I would do all the work. We have over 1000 unittests, so i don't think we
will break something ;)

Best regards,

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