
Am 30.10.18 um 13:32 schrieb Udo Schnurpfeil:
> Hello,
> we would like to release Tobago 2.3.0.
> Major changes since last release are:
>   * excluding and ordering resources
>     (might be helpful with problems with jQuery 3)
> This is a MINOR release with new functionality in a backwards-compatible
> manner.
> For a detail list please consult the release notes at:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12310273&version=12343979
> The version is available at the staging repository (Nexus) at:
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachemyfaces-1143/
> Please vote now! (The vote is open for 72h.)
> [ ] +1
> [ ] +0
> [ ] -1
> Regards,
> Udo

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