
in my company we are going to add some Select2 <https://select2.org>
features to our application.
So i'm planning to add this to tobago (see TOBAGO-1999
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TOBAGO-1999>). I think its easier to
add this to existing components than to implement new ones in our theme
implementation. And i think this would be an improvement to the select

I need this for our application which means in tobago 2.x where i scheduled
this for a 2.5.0 version.
How about tobago 4 and 5? Is there any interest having this component and
features in these versions integrated?
Select2 ist a jQuery extension, i'm not sure if there was planed to remove
jQuery in tobago 5.

    Volker Weber
inexso - information exchange solutions GmbH
Ofener Straße 30 | 26121 Oldenburg

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