
I found another difference between 2.3.6 and 2.3-next-M1, not sure if it's
a bug, but it can impact some users.

I have a custom headRenderer to inject resources:

@ResourceDependency(library = "javax.faces", name = "jsf.js")
public class HeadRenderer extends Renderer {



And then a simple page with a commandlink:

<f:view contentType="text/html">
    <h:body role="document">
            <h:commandLink >This link throws js exception in 2.3</h:commandLink>


(notice there is no <head> element)

This works in 2.3.6 but throws a js exception in 2.3-next because
jsf.js has not been loaded.

A simple workaround is to declare an empty <head> element

I have set up an example in https://github.com/cocorossello/tomee-example

(The custom renderer does not make a difference anyway, but the example has it)

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