For me it's fine without Arquilian


Am 07.10.22 um 09:56 schrieb Werner Punz:
Hi, given I have not gotten any answer!
Do you guys want the tests within MyFaces or is Arquilian an absolute must?


Am Do., 6. Okt. 2022 um 16:22 Uhr schrieb Werner Punz <>:

    I just wanted to get feedback on the following:
    Atm we have a barebones Ajax integration test in our integration
    test system, derived from my github based integration testsuite.
    Problem is
    a) It is barebones, and basically just the basic tests, which is
    mostly test 1 of my suite, also it needs lots of code for maintenance.
    b) The current aquilian installation makes problems ( have not
    spent too much time fixing this, i just filed a bugreport for now)
    c) The new codebase uses already a ton of mocha based unit tests
    on ts level

    I have my own set of atm 19 integration tests, which I run against
    my codebase. The issue is, that this testcase uses mocha in the
    pages to collect the test data and to run the tests with a well
    known api.
    And in the backend a server is running providing beans and response.
    The test results are collected client side.

    Given the troubles I had with Aquilian, I have extended my
    codebase on Github so that the tests automatically run with an
    embedded chrome via the maven frontend plugin
    and also the frontend plugin hooks the test results into the maven
    So basically internally maven starts an embedded tomcat viay the
    exec plugin and the frontend plugin pushes an embedded windowless
    chrome against this code to run the tests and collect the results,
    and reports them back to Maven
    in the integration test phase
    [INFO] Page test10-doubleeval Successes:
    [INFO] => Regression test for double eval on a single script element
    [INFO] => Runs the double eval test
    [INFO]     ✔ double evaluation of embedded scripts testcase (281ms)
    [INFO] Page test11-scriptblocks Successes:
    [INFO] => Script blocks in various formats
    [INFO] => Performs a script bloc test

    [INFO] => Execute none handling
    [INFO] => SPEC HAS NO EXPECTATIONS runs an execute request with
    execute @none
    [INFO]     ✔ execute parameter test (281ms)
    [INFO]   19 passing (23s)
    [INFO] --- maven-failsafe-plugin:2.12:verify (default) @
    IntegrationJSTest ---

    This how it looks if all tests have passed

    or in case of a failure:
    [INFO]   18 passing (23s)
    [INFO]   1 failing
    [INFO]   1) Integration Testsuite MyFaces
    [INFO]        testing viewRoot:
    [INFO]       AssertionError: expected false to be true
    [INFO]       + expected - actual
    [INFO]       -false
    [INFO]       +true
    [INFO]       at Context.<anonymous>
    [INFO]       at processTicksAndRejections

    The config is as follows:

    The advantage is that the tests are now way easier to write and
    hook themselves perfectly into the client side unit test system.

    Next advantage you also can run the tests directly in your browser
    and you also can show a browser instead of an headless embedded

    We also would get 17-18 additional integration tests "for free" in
    the myfaces codebase, simply because I have them already written a
    long time ago.
    The disadvantage is (whether this really is one) we bypass Aqulian
    in favor of the frontend plugin node and mocha.

    I have this system working now, but as usual would perform another
    round of cleanups before merging it into myfaces, after the RC3
    jsf_ts merge.
    So what´s your opinion, shall we add those tests to the codebase?
    I do not have any problem, to leave them where they are, they work
    fine for my purposes.


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