
Since sdk 14 cannot be bundled in the main tree, I think it would be a
better idea to make an mcu specifically for the nrf52840 (or whatever
models have usb) adding the external sdk as a dependecy. This way it
would not "break" the other included nrf5x bsps.

Also "newt" could probably be improved to work better with external
repos in a way that does not need editing of repository.yml. One such
way could be to bundle a file with list of external repos that might be
used by an included package in a way that, if I create a new target
using bsp/mcu X is can automatically detect that this needs an external
repo, ask  permission to fetch it, etc.

Also curious about other's opinions!

Fabio Utzig

On Wed, Oct 18, 2017, at 08:35 PM, Miguel Azevedo wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We are currently using the Nordic SDK (v11.0.0) which doesn't have any
> USB support, therefore we need to move on to a newer version. I
> believe the best choice would be to use the latest version (v14.1.0).
> This version is quite recent, it was released today and supports all
> Nordic boards we run Mynewt on.
> Regarding licensing, unlike SDK v11.0.0 (and since SDK v13.0.0), all
> the files are under the same license (which was discussed a few days
> ago on this mailing list).
> This means that, as far as I can see, we may either keep the BSPs and
> SDK (v11.0.0) files on the mynewt-core repository and have the updated
> SDK, as well as a copy of the BSPs on mynewt_nordic repository or move
> everything to the mynewt_nordic repository. None of this solutions
> sounds perfect.
> How should we do this? What are your opinions on this matter?
> Supported boards here:
> https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/topic/com.nordic.infocenter.sdk5.v14.1.0/sdk_for_custom_boards.html?cp=4_0_0_1_5_0#supported_board
> Documentation, release notes and license text here:
> https://developer.nordicsemi.com/nRF5_SDK/doc/
> Best regards,
> Miguel Azevedo

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