On Mon, Jan 8, 2018, at 5:34 PM, Abderrezak Mekkaoui wrote:
> FYI. Just in case where this could be helpful. On windows, I could not 
> build Apps for the stm32f7discovery board because of this simple problem:
> Lines missing from the bsp.yml in 
> ....\repos\apache-mynewt-core\hw\bsp\stm32f7discovery:
> bsp.downloadscript.WINDOWS.OVERWRITE: 
> "hw/bsp/stm32f7discovery/stm32f7discovery_download.cmd"
> bsp.debugscript.WINDOWS.OVERWRITE: 
> "hw/bsp/stm32f7discovery/stm32f7discovery_debug.cmd"
> and the corresponding windows script files are missing from the same 
> directory:
> stm32f7discovery_debug.cmd
> stm32f7discovery_download.cmd
> once these are added, the blinky example work out of the box
> Regards

Thanks for the report. We would be really glad if you can submit a PR with the 

Fabio Utzig

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