Hi all,

As some of you may already noticed, there is apache/mynewt-nimble
repository created where NimBLE code was pushed along with some extra
changes, most notably initial attempt to create port of NimBLE for
FreeRTOS, but other platforms will be supported as well (native Linux port
is also prepared).

The problem is that this repo is now not synced with apache/mynewt-core and
having two repositories with the same code is troublesome so we'd like to
end development of NimBLE code in core repository and move it entirely to
nimble repository. There are three open points on how this should be done:
1. When to do this switch? Before 1.4 release or after it?
2. How to deal with NimBLE in core repository?
3. How to manage NimBLE releases?

My proposals are as follows:

2a. Remove NimBLE code from mynewt-core repository leaving only packages
with dependencies to mynewt-nimble repository. The process of upgrading to
new version should be as easy as doing 'newt upgrade' to fetch newt
repository, assuming there are no local changes to NimBLE code. This is
preferred option.
2b. Leave NimBLE code at its current state in mynewt-core and use it by
default for next release, with option to use mynewt-nimble instead. This is
safe option and can be also applied before 1.4 release.

3. NimBLE has its own releases, depending on needs, and Mynewt will use
latest stable release of NimBLE at all time. First release of NimBLE will
be synced with Mynewt release, I guess we can call it the same as Mynewt
release and then start independent releases with 2.0. For those who would
like to use latest NimBLE, of course it would be just a matter of switching
repository version manually.

Any thoughts on this?

Best regards,

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