On Sun, Mar 18, 2018 at 09:26:19PM -0400, Abderrezak Mekkaoui wrote:
> Hi Chris.
> The result of the build with -ldebug can be found here:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/o749a6x6xjvva6t/clvrt_ess_split.log?dl=0

Darn... it seems Windows 7+ limits the command line length to 32767
characters [1].  The objcopy command that elicits the error is 80819
characters long, well in excess of the maximum.

Normally, the objcopy command isn't so massive.  However, as this
particular target is a split image, newt needs to specify which symbols
go in which image (loader or app).  Newt does this by explicitly
specifying each symbol to keep using the `-K <symbol>` syntax.

This is a tricky problem.  I'm afraid I don't know of a workaround,
other than building in a non-Windows environment.

I have filed this issue in github:
https://github.com/apache/mynewt-newt/issues/149.  Thanks for the


[1] https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20031210-00/?p=41553

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