Hi Markus,

On Sat, Mar 31, 2018 at 04:02:05PM -0700, markus wrote:
> I looked into moving the stack into the CCM memory of the stm32
> mcu's - and although almost every linker script defines ".data.core"
> sections and there are some defines in bsp.h's for section
> attributes they don't seem to be used.
> Is there some hidden magic going on or is the CCM reserved for
> application code?

No hidden magic; CCM is mostly unused and is up for grabs.  I think
there was some attempt to use this memory intelligently a while back,
but as the number of supported BSPs increased, it became impractical.

When you say "the stack", do you mean the interrupt handler stack?  That
sounds like a reasonable use of CCM (though you and others probably have
a better sense of this than I do).  If this is something that users will
want to do, it might be good to create a syscfg setting to control
whether the stack gets put in CCM or normal RAM.


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