Dear all,

Recently I started playing with mynewt (1.3.0), on an nRF52832 module (which is 
actually the nRF52832 chip+caps+crystal,LDO mode). For this module, I use board 
support package '@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nrf52dk'.

Using Ubuntu 16.04 and a J-Link debugger (fw V10.10) I managed to build the 
bundled 'bleprph' app, and also the 'nrf52_boot' app.

I added

/* Turn LED on */
int g_led_pin = LED_1;
hal_gpio_init_out(g_led_pin, 1);

directly after sysinit() to visualize the application starting.

Using the J-Link debugger, I executed an 'erase' command. Then I ran the 

# newt build nrf52_boot
Building target targets/nrf52_boot
Target successfully built: targets/nrf52_boot
# newt load nrf52_boot
Loading bootloader
# newt create-image nrf52_bleprph 1.0.0
App image succesfully generated: 
# newt load nrf52_bleprph
Loading app image into slot 1

The tutorial on states 
that the LED on the Blinky example starts flashing, so in my case I expect the 
LED to turn on. This does not happen.

Then I restarted the module by a power cycle, expecting that the bootloader 
takes the image in slot 1, verifies it and copies it to slot 0, and executes 
it, and thus the LED should turn on. Also, this does not happen.

But when I run the code using 'newt run nrf52_bleprph 0', and when I start the 
debugging using J-Commander 'c', the LED turns on and the module can be 
detected by my phone.

Now I wonder what step in the process does go wrong, as building, loading and 
running seems to go fine.
Is there any recommended method to debug this scenario? (I'm using J-Link Base, 
so no trace capabilities)

Regards, Johan

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