Hello all,

TL;DR: Proposal for registration of GAP event listeners in the NimBLE
host.  Currently, GAP event callbacks are specified by the code which
creates a connection.  This proposal allows code to listen for GAP
events without creating a connection.

The NimBLE host allows the application to associate callbacks with GAP
events.  Callbacks are configured *per connection*.  When the
application initiates a connection, it specifies a single callback to
be executed for all GAP events involving the connection.  Similarly,
when the application starts advertising, it specifies the callback to
use with the connection that may result.

This design provides some degree of modularity.  If a package
independently creates a connection, it can handle all the relevant GAP
events without involving other packages in the system.  However, there
is a type of modularity that this does not provide: *per event*
callbacks.  If a package doesn't want to initiate any GAP events, but
it wants to be notified every time a connection is established (for
example), there is no way to achieve this.  The problem here is that
there is only a single callback associated with each connection.  What
we really need is a list of callbacks that all get called whenever a
GAP event occurs.

My proposal is to add the following to the NimBLE host API:

    struct ble_gap_listener {
        /*** Public. */
        ble_gap_event_fn *fn;
        void *arg;

        /*** Internal. */
        STAILQ_ENTRY(ble_gap_listener) next;

     * @brief Registers a BLE GAP listener.
     * When a GAP event occurs, callbacks are executed in the following
     * order:
     * 1. Connection-specific GAP event callback.
     * 2. Each registered listener, in the order they were registered.
     * @param listener                 The listener to register.
    void ble_gap_register(struct ble_gap_listener *listener);

     * @brief Unregisters a BLE GAP listener.
     * @param listener                 The listener to unregister.
     * @return                      0 on success;
     *                              BLE_HS_ENOENT if the listener is
     *                                  not registered.
    int ble_gap_unregister(struct ble_gap_listener *listener);

Initially, I thought this functionality could be achieved with a new
package implemented on top of the host (call it `blemux`).
Unfortunately, I think there are some issues that make such an approach
unwieldy for the user.  I imagined such a package would be used as

    1. The `blemux` package exposes a GAP callback (call it
    2. Elsewhere in the sytem, for each GAP function call, the caller
       specifies `blemux_gap_event` as the callback.  
    3. Each package that is interested in GAP events registers one or
       more listeners via `blemux_register()`.
    4. When a GAP event occurs, `blemux_gap_event` is executed.  This
       callback executes every registered listener.

The problem is that packages have no guarantee that the app is using
blemux.  A package can depend on `blemux` and can register listeners,
but it really only works if every other BLE-aware package in the system
also uses `blemux`.  If any package doesn't use `blemux`, then the GAP
procedures that it initiates won't be reported to the `blemux`
listeners.  A secondary problem is that this just feels like a clumsy
API.  It is confusing and error prone to need to specify
`blemux_gap_event` as the GAP event callback.

So, I think this functionality should be implemented directly in the



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