Hello mynewt devs,

I have a question regarding the mynewt-NimBLE stack.

Whilst working my way through the code of the stack, trying to understand the structure of it and how to use it, I came accross the functions defined in nimble/host/include/host/ble_gatt.h for initiating GATT procedures. I realized that the functions are all named ble_gatts or ble_gattc (and are devided into two corresponding source files ble_gattc.c and ble_gatts.c) and I assume this devides the functions in server or client side functionality.

However, a four functions seem to break that system. These are the functions for sending notifications or indications to connections. My understanding is that the BLE peripheral (the GATT server) sends notifications to the BLE central (the GATT client). This seems to match the fact that the functions for notifying and indicating are being called in ble_gatts_tx_notifications. Why then are the notification and indication functions labeled gattc?

Feel free to correct me if i'm missing something or if I completely misunderstand the things these functions do. From my perspective this seems just a bit confusing.

- Christoph Jabs

Christoph Johannes Jabs
Tel. +49 152 53372087
Martin-Vollmer-Weg 19
72144 Dusslingen

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