I believe I have fixed the Catalina hang.  You can try out the fix at
https://github.com/apache/mynewt-newtmgr/pull/164, or you can wait for
it to be merged.

On Sat, May 16, 2020 at 12:03:41PM -0500, Mo Chen wrote:
> Great.
> Two more questions:
> Version 1.8.0 has already been released, why when we try to install the
> latest version, it still installs 1.7.0? Can we fix that?

It looks like we forgot to upload deb packages for 1.8.0.  I will try to
get to this soon.

> On Ubuntu Linux, under version 1.7.0, with Nordic-pca10040, the IRS works
> fine. However, with the adafruit feather nrf52, the OTA disconnects at
> 99.92% and shows error: disconnected. Any clue?

I recall seeing issues like this in the past.  The problem occurred when
the device performed a slow flash operation (usually an erase).  Since
the code is executing from flash, flash operations cause the MCU to
momentarily stall.  If the stall takes too long or occurs at the wrong
time, the BLE controller misses too many consecutive transmissions and
the connection terminates.

I would expect this to happen on the first upload request though, not
the last one.  The device erases the image slot when it receives the
first request and this erase can be quite slow.  I don't see anything
special in the code that happens while processing the final upload
request, so I'm afraid I'm at a loss here.

> I was trying to get rid of it by upgrading to a newer version. But on
> Linux, it doesn't seem there is such an instruction on how to install 1.9.0
> dev. Would you please guide me on this?

I don't think upgrading will solve this problem (of course I could be
wrong).  Do you want to upgrade the firmware (Mynewt itself) or the
tools (newt and newtmgr)?  If you want to upgrade Mynewt, running `newt
upgrade` from your project directory should do that.

> Many thanks!

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