Some thoughts (belatedly):

* I dont think we need coredump in B1.
* Do we need a different BLE MCU/transceiver for first release? Not sure if we 
should spend time on the stack as opposed to diverting it to porting to a 
different MCU/transceiver.
* Do we need separate host/controller for first release?

> On Feb 1, 2016, at 8:23 AM, Sterling Hughes <> wrote:
> Hiya,
> I think we're getting close to ready for our first beta release.  If you can 
> bear with the long email, please read and give feedback.
> (MENTORS: this would be a good one to review)
> In my mind, the release schedule looks like:
> - Feb 12th, B1
> - March 12th, B2
> - April 12th, Release X
> Where X is something like 0.8 or 0.9 -- I don't think we're quite at a 1.0 
> yet, but we're definitely well beyond a 0.1 release.
> In my mind, remaining for a B1 release is:
> - ASF copyright headers: we've been lax in updating these, most of which say 
> (c) Runtime, licensed under Apache 2.  These need to be changed to the 
> standard Apache project headers.
> - Log & Statistics cleanup: I've done most of the infrastructure, but we need 
> to count statistics and use our logging infrastructure throughout the code.
> - Project cleanup: Blinky & Slinky are our two main projects (Blinky is the 
> basic setup, and Slinky is a more full-featured example.)
> - Coredumps?   Do we need these in B1?
> - Release packaging: how is Mynewt distributed?  Do we branch the larva 
> repository, and distribute newt binaries that pull from a specific branch of 
> ASF infrastructure?  Do we package up all of larva to begin with?
> - JIRA: We need to get our bugs & features into JIRA, along with links to 
> JIRA from the Mynewt website.
> Between B1 & B2, I suspect the majority of our efforts are going to be 
> focused on:
> - Testing & Docs: The unit test framework has been unevenly used throughout 
> the various packages.  We'll need to spend some significant time updating and 
> adding unit & regression tests.
> I'd say the docs as-is need a fair hand on them from all the developers as 
> well.   Aditi has done a great job getting the infrastructure up, but one 
> person cannot document the entire thing!
> - Board Ports: In order to increase adoption we're going to need a variety of 
> board ports, along two vectors:
>   a- Maker/Common Boards: the OS should run on the boards a developer or 
> hobbyist is likely to have on them.   This means Arduino, etc.
>   b- Diversity of BLE chipsets: Right now Nordic NRF52 and shortly NRF51 are 
> supported.  We're going to need to expand this beyond Nordic in the first 
> release.
> - HAL interfaces: we're missing some crucial ones ATM (e.g. SPI), and this 
> will need to get a little better.
> - Continued BLE development:
>  - While we've got a compliant implementation now, we're going to need to 
> further develop things like BLE security, etc.
> Finally, between B2 and Release, I think we're going to be looking at:
> - Bugfixing & Documentation
> - Some assorted board ports, if low risk.
> - More regression testing.
> Thanks,
> Sterling

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