On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 11:51 PM, todd mitton <mit...@runtime.io> wrote:

> 2.) I already mentioned this, but a vanity domain decouples the code from
> the hosting location.  We're going to work very hard to remove the
> "incubator", so lets make an easy change now instead of a potentially
> painful change later.

Right. I would not have recommended mynewt.INCUBATOR.apache.org .. but
since mynewt.a.o works... woot! No change needed if/when mynewt graduates.

> 3.) There's precedent for using vanity import domains.  For example,
> https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes, a successful open source
> project,
> uses k8s.io.

IMO, I'd rather see that .apache.org in the branding of the project, than
to save people 10 keystrokes they enter every couple months. I might also
suggest that kubernetes' success is *not* due to their short domain name.


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