On 2/5/16 8:39 AM, marko kiiskila wrote:
First of all; thanks for going through the licenses. This is good info.

On Feb 4, 2016, at 8:03 PM, Sterling Hughes <sterl...@apache.org> wrote:

We can raise this with legal, alternatively we could move the MCU &
BSP definitions to github.  People would need to config newt to point
at the github URL (newt add-clutch), but it would get around ASF
license issues.

Only if it’s considered an optional dependancy, but I think that is the
case. i.e. It not required for newt/larva to work. We had similar issue
with Adobe licensed software and Apache Flex.

It is an optional dependency.  These files are board support headers and 
drivers for the STM32F3Discovery board.  We'll have support for Nordic, 
Arduino, other STMicro boards in the default release - it would be just this 
board that was banished to Github.  Plus, it will be fun to test out if our 
clutch system actually works :-)

Ah, well that finding is inconvenient.

However, the good thing is that the stm32f3xx driver library dependency
in actuality is pretty small. I can drop that altogether.

Given that I brought it in, I can take it out.

I also think it will be good to have one external dependency on GH. It adds a bit of visibility to start having a set of 3rd party packages :)


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