Re [1] - Thanks, will do.

Re [2] - What defines major? :-)  I ask this because of libjson.

We've taken microjson (, and are doing some fairly major surgery to it:

- conversion into our coding standards (tabs to spaces, line length)
- removal of all logging statements
- addition of support for non-contiguous buffers (instead of *p++, call a read_next_byte() handler.)
- removal of time support APIs

Would these go under the original license terms? And, if so, what would be a case where it wouldn't go under original license terms.


On 2/5/16 3:59 PM, Justin Mclean wrote:

I will try and find some time this weekend to do a run through of the entire 
source code base and update this.  Tedious, but it will only get more tedious.

This should help and has the correct text [1]

One of the other things I noticed while doing the license review is that serval 
files incorrectly have a Runtime Inc header on top of another say BSD header. 
In most cases a file should only have one header (i.e. that of the original 
copyright owner). See [2].  This can get tricky when you start making changes 
to a file and at some point the header may need to change.



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