
> On Feb 24, 2016, at 1:56 PM, Sterling Hughes <> wrote:
> On 2/24/16 1:06 PM, aditi hilbert wrote:
>> Sorry to pipe up late and I know how involved the changes are but I need to 
>> understand the reasoning better to be able to document properly.
>> For the most part I get the changes and agree with them. The only one that I 
>> am struggling with is “app” instead of “nest”. The term “application" 
>> doesn’t quite convey the sense of a collection (repo) even though that’s 
>> what it is (our larva, tadpole etc.). And the packages in such a nest 
>> (legacy term) could be composed to enable different applications in the real 
>> world from a user perspective. I am wondering whether “workspace” or “app 
>> container” or simply “repo" conveys the meaning better.
> I really didn't like "repo" or "repository" -- it made sense to me, but 
> people got confused by git repository vs our repository.
> "workspace" is good too, and I'm happy to change it if people prefer that.  I 
> did application because that was the more common term (ruby on rails, node, 
> etc.)   That said, this is kinda a different space.
> For context, an application is where you keep all of your packages for a 
> class of device.  Projects are where the main() function resides, and specify 
> the set of linked packages that compose software that gets built.  So think 
> of project as the top level src/ directory, and an application as a 
> combination of src/ and any linked libraries.
> I'd really be interested in other people's thoughts here, what makes more 
> sense to you:
>  [  ]  workspace/application
>  [  ]  application/project
> Sterling

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