I think these are a good representative list given the current state of MyNewt.

> On Feb 26, 2016, at 5:23 PM, aditi hilbert <ad...@runtime.io> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> With the first release of Apache Mynewt poised to be unleashed to the world, 
> I’d like to brainstorm some tutorial topics to get people trying out the OS 
> and seeing how easy it is to use. Let’s try to come up with 10 tutorial 
> topics. 
> Here are a few I thought of. I’d like us to come up with at least 10 
> additional tutorials. And yes, it would mean doing them and documenting them. 
> Feel free to pick the list apart and suggest your own ideas. And we can come 
> up with a final list and vote.
> 1. How to create a custom LED blink pattern on the STM32F Discovery board 
> from STMicro 
> 2. Turn on the LED x mins after specified wall clock time (like security 
> lights that automatically on after 6 pm)
> 3. How to define a new event or statistic (e.g. available memory is less than 
> a specified threshold) and log an alert (or read it with newtmgr)
> 4. How to write a test utility for a pkg
> 5. How to plug in a different file system instead of nffs (say, yaffs ?)
> 6. Connect a digital sensor to a board (Arduino?) via GPIO or UART, detect 
> and log level changes.
> 7. Quiz buzzer - scan the push button input and display the corresponding 
> number on a display
> 8. Build a BLE beacon that broadcasts some internal information 
> (manufacturing specific info or firmware info)
> 9. Query your Mynewt BLE device (board) remotely via console terminal 
> 10. Slinky - this is already there but could do with some embellishment esp. 
> in the documentation.
> thanks,
> aditi

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