I will second the motion to abbreviate things more :-) While I do like the 
simplicity of the mbed HAL I do realize that it does not support everything we 
want the HAL to do. And unless I am mistaken, it shouldnt be hard to map 
between the two. So I guess this means a +1 from me.


> On Mar 27, 2016, at 2:29 PM, Sterling Hughes <sterl...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hey Paul,
> I read through the APIs, I think they look good.  I made a few comments,
> entirely coding standards related.
> There are a few other things I'd like to understand/discuss, which I'll
> post to dev@:
> - Can you post a description of how pins are mapped across MCU, BSP and
> Application?  I think I followed it, but want to make sure we have a
> record.
> - Should system device descriptor be preprocessor directives rather than
> an enum.  Would there be a case where you'd want to do:
> #ifdef SYSTEM_DEV_ADC5
> /* do X */
> #else
> /* do Y */
> #endif
> - hal_adc_get_reference_voltage_mvolts i feel could be shortend to
> hal_adc_refv() or hal_adc_refmv().  Shouldn't this just take a resolution.
> - hal_adc_val_convert_to_mvolts(), should this just be hal_adc_convert()
> and take a resolution.
> Cheers,
> Sterling
> On 3/25/16 4:52 PM, Paul Dietrich wrote:
>> This new implementation is posted as
>> https://github.com/apache/incubator-mynewt-core/pull/25
>> Take a look and let me know what you think.  Without negative feedback,
>> I’ll commit on Monday/Tuesday
>> Paul
>> On 3/25/16, 2:58 PM, "Paul Dietrich" <pa...@mistsys.com> wrote:
>>> Just updating the group with my plan
>>> Folks commented offline that they didn¹t like that the mbed hal doesn¹t
>>> allow multiple kinds of devices with the same HAL API at the same time.
>>> But they liked the pin mapping and init function that tied it to a pin.
>>> So the new API will combine the best of hal_adc3 and hal_adc2.  I¹ll
>>> hopefully post the pull request by the COB or during the weekend.
>>> One NOTE.  The memory (RAM) issues of hal_adc2 will be addressed by
>>> getting the device initializer from the BSP.  So the BSP may malloc memory
>>> for these to be efficient.

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