No problem; glad you got it working. If you have any other questions please 
dont hesitate to ask.

Are you planning on writing any BLE apps? Any feeback you have on the process 
would be great to hear...

> On May 6, 2016, at 9:01 AM, Cody Smith <> wrote:
> Hey Will,
> Thank you for your help.  My bletiny target looks the same as yours, except
> I don't have the -DNIMBLE_OPT_SM=1 cflag.  It appears to be working now.  I
> wasn't creating an image and I hadn't loaded the bootloader.  I'm not sure
> how I missed the information about loading and running the bootloader since
> I see it on the website clearly now.  Perhaps I was in a hurry to play with
> my new toy :)
> In any case,  I was simply running:
> newt clean nrf52dk_bletiny
> newt build nrf52dk_bletiny
> newt load nrf52dk_bletiny
> Now I'm loading the bootloader and creating the bletiny image as you
> suggested.
> Thanks for your time,
> Cody
> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 4:10 PM, will sanfilippo <> wrote:
>> Hello:
>> Can you show me your targets? newt target show will do this. Also, can you
>> describe the steps you used to build and load the image on the board? There
>> are different ways to do this but this is what I did:
>> newt clean nrf52dk_bletiny
>> newt build nrf52dk_bletiny
>> newt create-image nrf52dk_bletiny 0.0.0
>> newt load nrf52dk_bletiny
>> After that gets loaded you can reset the board and bletiny should boot
>> (assuming you already have the bootloader downloaded).
>> I have the latest off develop and I am not seeing the same issue. Here is
>> the target I am building with (I show the bootloader target as well).
>> targets/nrf52dk_bletiny
>>    app=apps/bletiny
>>    bsp=hw/bsp/nrf52dk
>>    build_profile=optimized
>> targets/nrf52dk_boot
>>    app=apps/boot
>>    bsp=hw/bsp/nrf52dk
>>    build_profile=optimized
>>> On May 5, 2016, at 2:35 PM, Cody Smith <> wrote:
>>> Hey Everybody,
>>> I've been working with the nRF52 development board PCA10040 and have had
>>> some issues running the bletiny example app that comes in the repo.  I
>>> switched to the dev branch of the repo to get the nrf52dk as opposed to
>> the
>>> nrf52pdk, but that didn't solve this particular issue (although it did
>> fix
>>> a few things).
>>> I got the example code to build and load onto the board, but when it
>> runs,
>>> I see the following output printed to the terminal window on my desktop
>>> (coming over the serial port in Tera Term) continuously.
>>> :Unhandled interrupt (3), exception sp 0x20007fa0
>>> 0: r0:0x20007fa0  r1:0x200043a0  r2:0x08000000  r3:0x00000100
>>> 0: r4:0x200043a0  r5:0x08000000  r6:0x00000100  r7:0x200043c0
>>> 0: r8:0xffffffff  r9:0x00016047 r10:0x00000501 r11:0x00000000
>>> 0:r12:0x200043c0  lr:0xffffffff  pc:0x00016047 psr:0x00000501
>>> 0:ICSR:0x00000803 HFSR:0x40000000 CFSR:0x00008200
>>> 0:BFAR:0x08000000 MMFAR:0x08000000
>>> The blinky app was running just fine.  I also see this same thing with
>> the
>>> bletest app as well.  Any ideas on what this could be?
>>> Thanks for the help,
>>> Cody

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