Hi James,

On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 10:49:10AM -0700, James Howarth wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to get the bleprph example up and running on a Nordic nRF52
> PDK.  But I can't seem to see the device using the LightBlue app running on
> my iPhone.

Hi James,

I'm pretty sure I know what the problem is - the application task's
stack is overflowing right out the gate.  I'm afraid I have to take the
blame for this one; the default logging settings use a lot of stack, and
I don't often test with them. 

The fix is simple: increase the application stack size from 200 to 288
words.  You can do this by changing apps/bleprph/src/main.c as follows:

#define BLEPRPH_STACK_SIZE          (OS_STACK_ALIGN(288))

This change has already been made to the development branch, but it
didn't make it into the previous release.  Using the develop branch
instead of fixing the bug yourself is also an option; you can do so by
changing your project.yml as follows:


        type: github
        vers: 0-latest
        user: apache
        repo: incubator-mynewt-core


        type: github
        vers: 0-dev
        user: apache
        repo: incubator-mynewt-core

(change the "vers" field).

Then upgrade your packages with "newt upgrade", e.g.,

    [ccollins@iori:~/tmp/myproj]$ newt upgrade
    Would you like to upgrade repository apache-mynewt-core from 0.7.9-none to 
0.0.0-none ? [Yn] y

Naturally, this branch is quite unstable!


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