On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 03:15:22PM +0400, Vitya Gnatyuk wrote:
> I make up your stack in EmBitz 0.42 with apps\bleprph example. But an one
> error has occurred: undefined reference to `__vector_tbl_reloc__'
> What I can do with it?

Hi Vitya,

Are you using the "newt" tool to build your project, as documented here:
http://mynewt.apache.org/os/get_started/project_create/ ?  It sounds
like you are using the EmBitz IDE instead of newt.  It should certainly
possible to build Mynewt projects without using newt, but it is not
something that we have tried before, and it is not the recommended

The particular error you are seeing appears to be caused by the
appropriate bsp code not getting linked in to your project.  The newt
tool handles this for you automatically.  If you would like to forgo
using the newt tool, then you will need to manually point your build
tool at all your project's dependencies.


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