Hi Simon,

I agree with Will’s response, the problem you have with “inherit’ing” BSPs, at least at this stage, is that the APIs are changing, and everything that inherits the BSP will have to change as we morph APIs.

However, you shouldn’t have to maintain a different BSP for every slightly different version of your own boards. If you use something called features, you can control these settings.

A good example of this is the Arduino zero BSP, here:


If you look at the pkg.yml in hw/bsp/arduino_zero (https://github.com/runtimeinc/mynewt_arduino_zero/tree/master/hw/bsp/arduino_zero), you’ll see the following lines:

pkg.cflags.arduino_zero_pro: -DARDUINO_ZERO_PRO
pkg.cflags.arduino_zero: -DARDUINO_ZERO

This changes the values of the CFLAGS based upon which feature is set, either arduino_zero or arduino_zero_pro. This is to accommodate the fact that on the board, two pins are swapped depending on whether you get it from .cc or .org. The C code can then check this with #ifdefs.

Features allow you to change dependencies, cflags, lflags and anything else, depending on which features are set in the build system. Features can be either specified as a package variable (pkg.features), or at the target level by doing

$ newt target set your_target features=“feature1 feature2”

Features are global to the build system, and everything will respect them.


On 8 Jun 2016, at 12:43, Simon Ratner wrote:

I would like to create a couple of custom bsps for boards which are
identical to nrf51dk but a few small tweaks (e.g. led pin, flash area

From the docs, I gather that copying hw/bsp/nrf51dk and patching bsp.h and os_bsp.c would do the trick, and it seems that's how mynewt itself handles this. However, I'd really prefer not to, so I can keep up with upstream and
avoid duplicating fixes in multiple places (like

Any suggestions on how to best layer my tweaks on top of an existing bsp?
Can I abuse the deps system somehow?


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