I'm working through the documentation, in an effort to update it all in 
preparation for the beta release, and the STM32 Blinky will not build in the 
dev branch:
Linking blinky.elf
Error: /Users/dsimmons/dev/myproj/bin/stmf3_blinky/libs/os/os.a(os_arch_arm.o): 
In function `os_arch_os_init':
 undefined reference to `bsp_init'
/Users/dsimmons/dev/myproj/bin/stmf3_blinky/libs/os/os.a(os_fault.o): In 
function `__assert_func':
 undefined reference to `system_debugger_connected'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

A similar error occurs when trying to build the bootloader from the dev branch.

Probably because I can use vers=o-dev on the repository-apache-mynewt-core but 
if I change the vers=0-dev for repository.mynewt_stm32f3 definition, I get:
Downloading repository description for mynewt_stm32f3... success!
Error: No matching branch for mynewt_stm32f3 repo

Which is an oddly contradictory message. How can it successfully download the 
repository description for a branch that it thinks doesn't exist? 

Best regards,
David G. Simmons
(919) 534-5099
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There are only 2 hard things in computer science: Cache invalidation, naming 
things, and off-by-one errors.

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