On Fri, Dec 02, 2016 at 09:30:04AM -0800, will sanfilippo wrote:
> There is a branch called “sterly_refactor” that we used when we were
> refactoring bsp and other code. There is ADC code in there. If you
> checkout that branch you can go to the apps directory and look for the
> sblinky app. In that main.c (which is where I said this stuff shouldnt
> be but that was all just test code) it should show how the ADC was
> used. You cant just bring all that code in I suspect as it is way out
> of date, but I think there is enough in there to give you an idea of
> how things are expected to work.
> Be warned though; that code was just all hacked in and I am not sure
> what state it was left in.

The sterly_refactor branch was deleted recently.  However, if you have a
github fork, you probably have a copy of that branch.


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