
As a part of developing the sensor interface, I want to register a “listener” on the event queue:

    listener.sl_sensor_type = type;
    listener.sl_func = sensor_shell_read_listener;
    listener.sl_arg = &ctx;

    rc = sensor_register_listener(sensor, &listener);
    if (rc != 0) {
        goto err;

And then I want to essentially “wait” until I’ve read ’n’ entries, and block in my task:

    /* Block until we've read 'n' samples. */
    while (ctx.num_entries < nsamples) {

The sensor_shell_read_listener() function updates “num_entries”, and when I’ve read the desired number of samples, the loop finishes.

Just calling os_time_delay() or os_eventq_run() in and of themselves is not sufficient:

- os_eventq_run() will let the current task’s events (default event queue in this case) run, but won’t process other tasks events (e.g. shell is run out of a separate task in this case.)

- os_time_delay() lets the other tasks run.

q: Should we add a os_eventq_yield(evq, time) function that does both of these tasks? I think it might be clearer that this is the intention in that case.


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