Hi Jacob,

On Fri, Dec 30, 2016 at 01:25:11PM -0700, Jacob Rosenthal wrote:
> I worked with Sterling to shrink the nimble stack for 256k flash devices,
> but Im starting to cut into pretty basic functionality. Ive noticed that
> even not using splitty/flash reboot logging those are enable in the bsp I
> forked (nrf51dk-16kbram)
> Any guidance on removing or shrinking those? Whats mandatory? Ive tried but
> Im tending to run into compile errors of nested deps looking for them.
> Related, anyone done a more basic dfu style bootload without netwmgr and
> such as I wont have flash or ram for all of that.

I don't think we have a clear picture of exactly which packages are
required.  The following commands might be helpful for determining who
depends on what:

    newt target dep <target-name>
    newt target revdep <target-name>

The first shows a dependency graph; for each package in the build, show
the list of packages that it depends on.

The second shows the reverse dependency graph; for each pacakge in the
build, show the list of packages that depend on it.

Unfortunately, I am sure there are some dependencies that are necessary
for the wrong reasons.  We may need to do some work to remove these
dependencies, or add syscfg settings so that they can be compiled out.

If you could post the output of the two commands I mentioned above, I
can take a look to see if anything can be removed.


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