If anyone else is interested in testin ghe iOS Bluetooth app for connectin g 
Mynewt devices, please send me your email address and I will add you to the 
TestFlight list. You'll need to install the TestFlight app on your iOS device, 
and be running at least iOS 10.x

Best regards,
David G. Simmons
(919) 534-5099
Web <https://davidgs.com/> • Blog <https://davidgs.com/davidgs_blog> • Linkedin 
<http://linkedin.com/in/davidgsimmons> • Twitter 
<http://twitter.com/TechEvangelist1> • GitHub <http://github.com/davidgs>
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There are only 2 hard things in computer science: Cache invalidation, naming 
things, and off-by-one errors.

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