This sounds reasonable to me and at least leaves room for sensible defaults, or setting any internal variables to match HW defaults.


On 04/01/17 04:13, Sterling Hughes wrote:
It’s an interesting thought, as you point out there are kinda two things at work here.

1- A driver needs to be “config’ed” by default, and where the driver init is called is not the right place to do that.

2- The driver doesn’t have any user specific data to call, there should be a reasonable/sane default, and I don’t think requiring the user to call:


Is particularly good API design. I think we should probably dictate that config() can be called as many times as possible, and have a “config” phase of the sensor API, i.e. when the task gets started, or a new sensor gets registered, the sensor API calls config(NULL) to set default parameters, and then users can call config(data), if they want to reconfigure defaults.

On 29 Dec 2016, at 2:29, Kevin Townsend wrote:

One issues I saw working on some sensor drivers (based on the simulated accel as a starting point) is that no 'default' config settings are currently being set, and it seems possible that a sensor might be initialised without calling the config function explicitly.

The config system is great (highly flexible and easy to understand), but would it be better to have a default config setting that is set when the sensor is initialized, or should running the config function at least once be considered mandatory and the assumption made that it is always being called? In that case, should we return an error if something like a read function is called but the sensor hasn't been configured yet to put it into a known state (and probably wake the sensor up since many devices will default to booting into power down mode)?

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