Maybe I read your email incorrectly, but I thought the error was coming from 
blecent on the nrf52dk?

> On Mar 16, 2017, at 3:11 PM, Pritish Gandhi <> wrote:
> Hi Will,
> I'm not building the controller lib for the image that runs on the
> stm32f4Discovery board. I'm building it as a Host Only. So I build the
> host, HCI, and uart transport. Broadcom's Bluetooth core is really a
> BlackBox to me, I don't have any way to debug what's going on there (except
> maybe using a BLE sniffer and seeing packets going out on the interface)
> Thanks,
> Pritish
> On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 2:48 PM, will sanfilippo <> wrote:
>> I do not think there is a simple way to debug this. As Chris points out,
>> the first problem is a LL control procedure timeout. I think I can help
>> figure some things out there. There is a function called
>> ble_ll_ctrl_proc_rsp_timer_cb. If you set a breakpoint at this function in
>> the debugger when you get the first error you can examine the connection
>> state machine. The parameter passed in to that function is an event and
>> ev->ev_arg is a pointer to the connection state machine. In the debugger,
>> just dump ev_arg after typecasting it to a connection state machine: p/x
>> (struct ble_ll_conn_sm *)ev->ev_arg
>> I presume you are OK with using gdb? I would ‘set print pretty on’ before
>> dumping the connection state machine. If you send me the output of that I
>> might be able to help.
>> Thanks
>>> On Mar 16, 2017, at 2:30 PM, Christopher Collins <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Pritish,
>>> On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 01:50:12PM -0700, Pritish Gandhi wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I'm trying to run blecent on an nrf52dk and am running the bleprph
>>>> application on another BLE module (stm32f4discovery talking to a
>> broadcom
>>>> BLE core). Anyways, when try to run blecent it seems like I successfully
>>>> connect to the peripheral and are able to discover it, however after
>> that
>>>> the connection seems to be timing out and then am never able to discover
>>>> the peripheral again.
>>> [...]
>>> Hmm, that is odd, indeed.  The disconnect reason codes you are seeing
>>> are mapped as follows:
>>> I'm afraid I don't have any ideas at the moment.  Could you please
>>> clarify the setup you are using?  Here is my understanding:
>>> Device A: blecent on nRF52dk (combined host-controller)
>>> Device B:
>>>   * bleprph on stm32f4discovery (host-only)
>>>   * broadcom controller
>>> Is that correct?  If so, I assume the host and controller on device B
>>> communicate via UART?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Chris
>>>> 1) Connected and Discovered the bleprph:
>>>> 37493:[ts=292914004ssb, mod=4 level=1] GAP procedure initiated:
>> discovery;
>>>> own_addr_type=0 filter_policy=0 passive=1 limited=0 filter_duplicates=1
>>>> duration=forever
>>>> 37503:[ts=292992124ssb, mod=4 level=1] GAP procedure initiated: connect;
>>>> peer_addr_type=0 peer_addr=aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa scan_itvl=16 scan_window=16
>>>> itvl_min=24 itvl_max=40 latency=0 supervision_timeout=256 min_ce_len=16
>>>> max_ce_len=768 own_addr_ty
>>>> 37517:[ts=293101556ssb, mod=64 level=1] Connection established
>>>> 37519:[ts=293117180ssb, mod=4 level=1] GATT procedure initiated:
>> discover
>>>> all services
>>>> 37588:[ts=293656208ssb, mod=4 level=1] GATT procedure initiated:
>> discover
>>>> all characteristics; start_handle=1 end_handle=11
>>>> 37627:[ts=293960876ssb, mod=4 level=1] GATT procedure initiated:
>> discover
>>>> all characteristics; start_handle=12 end_handle=15
>>>> 37658:[ts=294203112ssb, mod=4 level=1] GATT procedure initiated:
>> discover
>>>> all characteristics; start_handle=16 end_handle=19
>>>> 37684:[ts=294406224ssb, mod=4 level=1] GATT procedure initiated:
>> discover
>>>> all characteristics; start_handle=20 end_handle=32
>>>> 37722:[ts=294703080ssb, mod=4 level=1] GATT procedure initiated:
>> discover
>>>> all characteristics; start_handle=33 end_handle=65535
>>>> 37761:[ts=295007812ssb, mod=4 level=1] GATT procedure initiated:
>> discover
>>>> all descriptors; chr_val_handle=14 end_handle=15
>>>> 37774:[ts=295109368ssb, mod=4 level=1] GATT procedure initiated:
>> discover
>>>> all descriptors; chr_val_handle=18 end_handle=19
>>>> 37786:[ts=295203112ssb, mod=4 level=1] GATT procedure initiated:
>> discover
>>>> all descriptors; chr_val_handle=24 end_handle=25
>>>> 37799:[ts=295304668ssb, mod=4 level=1] GATT procedure initiated:
>> discover
>>>> all descriptors; chr_val_handle=29 end_handle=30
>>>> 37812:[ts=295406224ssb, mod=4 level=1] GATT procedure initiated:
>> discover
>>>> all descriptors; chr_val_handle=37 end_handle=65535
>>>> 37825:[ts=295507780ssb, mod=64 level=3] Service discovery complete;
>>>> status=0 conn_handle=1
>>>> 2) Read/Write/Subscribe for notifications. Finally fails with reason=546
>>>> 37827:[ts=295523404ssb, mod=4 level=1] GATT procedure initiated: read;
>>>> att_handle=22
>>>> 37829:[ts=295539028ssb, mod=4 level=1] GATT procedure initiated: write;
>>>> att_handle=32 len=2
>>>> 37832:[ts=295562464ssb, mod=4 level=1] GATT procedure initiated: write;
>>>> att_handle=30 len=2
>>>> 37851:[ts=295710892ssb, mod=64 level=1] Read complete; status=0
>>>> conn_handle=1 attr_handle=22 value=
>>>> 37857:[ts=295757764ssb, mod=64 level=1] Write complete; status=0
>>>> conn_handle=1 attr_handle=32
>>>> 37863:[ts=295804636ssb, mod=64 level=1] Subscribe complete; status=0
>>>> conn_handle=1 attr_handle=30
>>>> 42637:[ts=333101556ssb, mod=64 level=1] disconnect; reason=546
>>>> 3) Once it disconnects, blecent gets stuck in this loop of trying to
>>>> discover, but the discovery always fails:
>>>> 42638:[ts=333109368ssb, mod=4 level=1] GAP procedure initiated:
>> discovery;
>>>> own_addr_type=0 filter_policy=0 passive=1 limited=0 filter_duplicates=1
>>>> duration=forever
>>>> 42973:[ts=335726516ssb, mod=4 level=1] GAP procedure initiated: connect;
>>>> peer_addr_type=0 peer_addr=aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa scan_itvl=16 scan_window=16
>>>> itvl_min=24 itvl_max=40 latency=0 supervision_timeout=256 min_ce_len=16
>>>> max_ce_len=768 own_addr_ty
>>>> 42982:[ts=335796824ssb, mod=64 level=1] Connection established
>>>> 42983:[ts=335804636ssb, mod=4 level=1] GATT procedure initiated:
>> discover
>>>> all services
>>>> 43020:[ts=336093744ssb, mod=64 level=3] Error: Service discovery failed;
>>>> status=7 conn_handle=1
>>>> 43022:[ts=336109368ssb, mod=4 level=1] GAP procedure initiated:
>> terminate
>>>> connection; conn_handle=1 hci_reason=19
>>>> 43025:[ts=336132804ssb, mod=64 level=1] disconnect; reason=520
>>>> 43027:[ts=336148428ssb, mod=4 level=1] GAP procedure initiated:
>> discovery;
>>>> own_addr_type=0 filter_policy=0 passive=1 limited=0 filter_duplicates=1
>>>> duration=forever
>>>> 43038:[ts=336234360ssb, mod=4 level=1] GAP procedure initiated: connect;
>>>> peer_addr_type=0 peer_addr=aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa scan_itvl=16 scan_window=16
>>>> itvl_min=24 itvl_max=40 latency=0 supervision_timeout=256 min_ce_len=16
>>>> max_ce_len=768 own_addr_ty
>>>> 43046:[ts=336296856ssb, mod=64 level=1] Connection established
>>>> 43047:[ts=336304668ssb, mod=4 level=1] GATT procedure initiated:
>> discover
>>>> all services
>>>> 43084:[ts=336593712ssb, mod=64 level=3] Error: Service discovery failed;
>>>> status=7 conn_handle=1
>>>> 43086:[ts=336609336ssb, mod=4 level=1] GAP procedure initiated:
>> terminate
>>>> connection; conn_handle=1 hci_reason=19
>>>> 43089:[ts=336632772ssb, mod=64 level=1] disconnect; reason=520
>>>> 43091:[ts=336648396ssb, mod=4 level=1] GAP procedure initiated:
>> discovery;
>>>> own_addr_type=0 filter_policy=0 passive=1 limited=0 filter_duplicates=1
>>>> duration=forever
>>>> 43101:[ts=336726516ssb, mod=4 level=1] GAP procedure initiated: connect;
>>>> peer_addr_type=0 peer_addr=aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa scan_itvl=16 scan_window=16
>>>> itvl_min=24 itvl_max=40 latency=0 supervision_timeout=256 min_ce_len=16
>>>> max_ce_len=768 own_addr_ty
>>>> Any ideas whats going on and how to debug this further?
>>>> The only way to recover seems to be to reset my bleprph device.
>>>> Appreciate the help,
>>>> Pritish

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