Hi Greg,

On Tue, Apr 04, 2017 at 06:48:31PM +0000, Greg Foringer wrote:
> Hello,
> I've spent about 16 hours trying to get the nrf52_boot and blehci image
> flashed to my board. I'm hoping someone has some insight about my problem.
> I have installed all the SEGGER JLink tools and drivers (v6.14c) on both my
> OSX host and my Ubuntu 16.04 guest. When using JLinkExe, it can connect to
> the board over USB. I'm using the latest 1.0.0 version of newt. I've
> followed the instructions to build the nrf52_boot bootloader for my nRF52DK
> board (PCA10040 v1.1.0) as well as the blehci app.


> gdb_cmds:2: Error in sourced command file: localhost:3333: Connection timed
> out.

Hmm, it looks like JLinkGDBServer isn't staying up (or isn't getting
started at all).  Probably unlikely, but still worth asking: could you
have an instance of JLinkExe already running on that machine?  If any
JLink tool is already running, a second invocation will fail.

One way to debug this is to manually do what newt does and see where
the process fails:

In terminal 1:
    JLinkGDBServer -device nRF52 -speed 4000 -if SWD -port 3333
-singlerun -reset

In terminal 2:

    (gdb) mon reset
    Resetting target

    (gdb) restore 
 binary 0
    Restoring binary file 
 into memory (0x0 to 0x23e0)

(of course you will need to adjust the path of your boot binary).

You can also load the image into slot 0:

    (gdb) restore 
 binary 0x8000


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