Hello Community,

We are currently upstreaming Bluetooth 5 functionality into Apache Mynewt. 
Sine all of the new features are optional to support (excluding internal 
dependencies) we could make Mynewt code configurable per feature. It shouldn't 
be too much hasle to support this via syscfg.yml with MYNEWT_VALs.

There are few possible paths and I'd like to gather some feedback.

1. Always claim 5.0 (LL version) support and leave all features configurable.
2. Same as 1. but also allow to configure 4.2 vs 5.0 support.
3. Same as 1. but always enable triavials (Privacy Erratas, High Duty Un-
Directed Advertising) and leave other features configurable.
4. Always enabled everything.

Personnally I'd opt for 3. Mostly due to fact that it doesn't increse code 
size comparing to 4.2 and reduces number of configuration variables. So it 
feels to be a good compromise between configurability and complexity.

There is also open point of opt-in vs opt-out configruation. I think we should 
go with opt-in ie. optional feature needs to be explicitly enabled in syscfg.


Szymon Janc

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