You can find the settings that I used for the newtmgr in :


129 func (h *HCI) Connect(pd *PlatData) error {
130   h.c.Send(
131     cmd.LECreateConn{
132       LEScanInterval:        0x0004,         // N x 0.625ms
133       LEScanWindow:          0x0004,         // N x 0.625ms
134       InitiatorFilterPolicy: 0x00,           // white list not used
135       PeerAddressType:       pd.AddressType, // public or random
136       PeerAddress:           pd.Address,     //
137       OwnAddressType:        0x00,           // public
138       ConnIntervalMin:       6,         // N x 0.125ms
139       ConnIntervalMax:       7,         // N x 0.125ms
140       ConnLatency:           0x0000,         //
141       SupervisionTimeout:    0x00100,         // N x 10ms
142       MinimumCELength:       0x0000,         // N x 0.625ms
143       MaximumCELength:       0x0000,         // N x 0.625ms
144     })
145   return nil
146 }

Hope this helps.

Vipul Rahane

> On Apr 20, 2017, at 11:20 AM, Vipul Rahane <> wrote:
> Hello Jacob,
> You can try increasing the supervision timeout in the BLE settings, that’s 
> what I needed to do to get the newtmgr working in Go.
> Regards,
> Vipul Rahane
>> On Apr 20, 2017, at 11:16 AM, Jacob Rosenthal <> 
>> wrote:
>> Indeed the disconnect is a result of the erase. If I comment that out I can
>> get to a stack overflow
>> the newt tool uses 56 for first packet and 64 after, not sure why yet, but
>> lets just say I hardcode 56 in my node tool
>> bleprph and blesplit have
>> oddly enough, has to be only 8 more to work OS_MAIN_STACK_SIZE: 436
>> though could probably use more overhead than that.
>> Thoughts on what to do about flash erase disconnecting?
>> On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 10:39 AM, Alan Graves <>
>> wrote:
>>> Reminds me of that old Wendy's TV commercial:
>>> "Where's the deadbeef?"
>>> ALan
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: marko kiiskila []
>>> Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 5:00 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: newtmgr image upload nrf51dk disconnects with reason=8
>>>> On Apr 19, 2017, at 4:33 PM, Jacob Rosenthal <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 11:19 AM, marko kiiskila <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> Just general comments, I hope I’m not saying things which are too
>>>>> obvious.
>>>> More specific would be even better :) I dont think my gdb is up to par
>>>> Either g_os_run_list or one of the task structures is getting smashed.
>>>>> As you know you tasks beforehand, you can walk through them manually
>>>>> to figure which one it is.
>>>> How do I know the tasks beforehand? I would guess something in
>>>> imgr_upload is corrupting it? So print as that function starts and
>>>> ends? How do I walk through them manually?
>>> You could do this, for example:
>>> (gdb) source repos/apache-mynewt-core/compiler/gdbmacros/os.gdb
>>> (gdb) os_tasks
>>> prio state      stack  stksz       task name
>>> * 255   0x1    0xae7d4  16384    0x9e780 idle
>>> 127   0x2    0x9b128   5376    0x95cd8 main
>>>   0   0x2    0x95a2c  16384    0x859dc uartpoll
>>>   2   0x2    0xb4338   4096    0x9d1d0 socket
>>>   9   0x2    0x85908   4096    0x818a8 ble_hs
>>> This was from native build target I happened to have debugger on with it.
>>> But you would get the same type of data from actual targets as well.
>>> The pointer to os_task structure is under the ‘task’ column. Here I'm
>>> picking the idle task for closer inspection:
>>> (gdb) set print pretty
>>> (gdb) p *(struct os_task *)0x9e780
>>> $3 = {
>>> t_stackptr = 0xae63c <g_idle_task_stack+65128>,
>>> t_stacktop = 0xae7d4 <g_os_idle_ctr>,
>>> t_stacksize = 16384,
>>> t_taskid = 0 '\000',
>>> t_prio = 255 '\377',
>>> t_state = 1 '\001',
>>> t_flags = 0 '\000',
>>> t_lockcnt = 0 '\000',
>>> t_pad = 0 '\000',
>>> t_name = 0x6b8d8 "idle",
>>> t_func = 0x192f0 <os_idle_task>,
>>> t_arg = 0x0,
>>> t_obj = 0x0,
>>> t_sanity_check = {
>>>   sc_checkin_last = 0,
>>>   sc_checkin_itvl = 0,
>>>   sc_func = 0x0,
>>>   sc_arg = 0x0,
>>>   sc_next = {
>>>     sle_next = 0x0
>>>   }
>>> },
>>> t_next_wakeup = 0,
>>> t_run_time = 52837,
>>> t_ctx_sw_cnt = 50124,
>>> t_os_task_list = {
>>>   stqe_next = 0x95cd8 <os_main_task>
>>> },
>>> t_os_list = {
>>>   tqe_next = 0x0,
>>>   tqe_prev = 0x8143c <g_os_run_list>
>>> },
>>> t_obj_list = {
>>>   sle_next = 0x0
>>> }
>>> }
>>> And then I’ll compute where the task stack starts, t_stacktop -
>>> sizeof(os_stack_t) * t_stacksize
>>> (gdb) x/x 0xae7d4-16384*4
>>> 0x9e7d4 <g_idle_task_stack>:    0xdeadbeef
>>> So that’s where the stack starts. Then I’ll inspect the stack top, see if
>>> it still has the fill pattern ‘0xdeadbeef'
>>> (gdb) x/32x 0x9e7d4
>>> 0x9e7d4 <g_idle_task_stack>:    0xdeadbeef      0xdeadbeef
>>> 0xdeadbeef      0xdeadbeef
>>> 0x9e7e4 <g_idle_task_stack+16>: 0xdeadbeef      0xdeadbeef
>>> 0xdeadbeef      0xdeadbeef
>>> 0x9e7f4 <g_idle_task_stack+32>: 0xdeadbeef      0xdeadbeef
>>> 0xdeadbeef      0xdeadbeef
>>> 0x9e804 <g_idle_task_stack+48>: 0xdeadbeef      0xdeadbeef
>>> 0xdeadbeef      0xdeadbeef
>>> 0x9e814 <g_idle_task_stack+64>: 0xdeadbeef      0xdeadbeef
>>> 0xdeadbeef      0xdeadbeef
>>> So this stack has not been used completely.
>>>>> Usually culprit is stack overflow, so once you find out which task
>>>>> structure is being corrupt, look for the stack just after that in
>>>>> memory.
>>>>> nm output piped to sort is your friend in locating that stack.
>>>> nm output?
>>> [pi@raspberrypi:~/src/incubator-mynewt-blinky]$ arm-linux-gnueabihf-nm
>>> bin/targets/bleprph_oic_linux/app/apps/bleprph_oic/bleprph_oic.elf | sort
>>> | more
>>> I.e. get symbols from my elf-file, sort them by address.
>>> And then let’s continue what the idle stack would overwrite to, if it was
>>> not big enough:
>>> ...
>>> 0009e780 B g_idle_task
>>> 0009e7d0 B g_os_started
>>> 0009e7d4 B g_idle_task_stack
>>> looks like idle stack overflow would most likely corrupt those 2 items
>>> first. And if it corrupts that task structure, it’s game over.
>>> BTW, gdb scripts looking for task stack use are missing. We probably
>>> should have such :)
>>> Happy hacking,
>>> M
>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>> M
>>>> Thanks for the help

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