Is it possible to use newt to flash a nRF52 without having to use

The getting started guide seems to imply that OpenOCD version 0.10.0 is
an option but I can't seem to figure out how to make `newt load' use
it.  I tried setting `OPENOCD_DEBUG=1' without luck:

    $ newt target set nrf52_blinky syscfg=OPENOCD_DEBUG=1
    $ newt load --verbose nrf52_boot

...still tries to use J-Link.

I want to avoid using J-Link because:

  1) Pragmatic reason: I'm having a hard time getting J-Link to work on
     my OS (NixOS)

  2) Philosophical reason: I'm building a completely open product and
     would like to have the entire tool chain open as well.  I'm a firm
     supporter of Open Source and relying on proprietary software like
     J-Link makes me uncomfortable.


Peter Jones, Founder,
Defending the honor of good code

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