Hi Pierre,

Yes, you can. I am assuming you are asking about upgrading a Mynewt image on 

You can use the newtmgr command "newtmgr image upload <imagename> -c 
<connection profile name> to upload an image to the device, assuming BLE is 
The next step is to test the image, reset the board, and then confirm the image 
(marking it to be the one to come up each time).

Here is the tutorial on how to enable newtmgr: 

Someone even created a frontend script for it using nodejs : 
https://nnewtmgr.surge.sh/ <https://nnewtmgr.surge.sh/>


> On May 30, 2017, at 2:22 AM, Pierre Kircher <pkirc...@me.com> wrote:
> is there a current way to get OTA (over the air updates) working with 
> mynewt/nimble ?
> thank you

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