On Wed, Jun 07, 2017 at 04:26:01PM +0200, Khaled Elsayed wrote:
> 2)  If one wants to use mynewt as host only with nordic soft device as is,
> certainly pkg.yml will not include net/nimble/controller. So, how to tell
> the build system to load or leave nordic controller in place?

There is one important point I forgot to mention.  The nimble host does
not currently support host-side flow control.  This means that it has no
way of telling the controller to stop sending data when the host's
buffers are exhausted.  This is not a problem for large systems with
plenty of memory available (e.g., Mynewt simulated under Linux or Mac
OS).  However, you will probably have issues running a host-only build
on an nRF board.  Flow control has been on the roadmap for a long time,
but it keeps getting pushed back / procrastinated on :).

In the combined-host-controller case, the lack of flow control is not an
issue, as the same memory pools are shared by both the host and


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