On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 12:56 AM, Swapnil Daingade <
swapnil.daing...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >> The problem is that there is essentially no real community that is
> happening.
> retiring doesn't help that

The core problem here is lack of a viable PMC. A PMC has to have 3 active
members at any given point. Typically this requires about 8 live members.
Myriad is wildly short of that and thus will have serious problems doing
any releases.

> >> None of the engineers previously working on this will be working on
> this now. And that sort of situation isn't going to change.
> Events at MapR contributed to this situation. MapR scaled back its
> involvement in Myriad and all its committers left.

Well, that is one way to look at it.

On the other hand, if you actually were involved in the situations, you
would know that none of the committers left because they didn't get to work
on Myriad as part of their day jobs, nor did any of them feel enough
attachment to work after hours (as I do on my projects), nor did any of
them continue with the project after leaving for a new startup.

> MapR is of course free to take its own decisions. But it sounds like there
> is interest in working on Myriad, just not under the ASF umbrella.
> I feel without ASF, one company will have too much control on Myriad.

The ASF is moving to retire Myriad because it can't make the cut as a
viable project. No company will have control over the Apache version of the
project at that point because the project is nothing to control.

The desire to try to reboot the project outside of Apache has almost
everything to do with the fact that Apache processes and the lack of active
contributors means that nothing can happen. It isn't an end run around
Apache constraints for the purpose of control, it is an attempt to keep the
project alive at all.

> Ted, you yourself warned us against this
> http://www.zdnet.com/article/hadoop-veteran-ted-dunning-
> when-open-source-is-anything-but-open/

Read the article. I warned about projects like Ambari. One company has all
of the PMC.

At this point, the situation with Myriad is almost the opposite.

> >>That means that it will always be a distraction to get committers
> qualified as PMC so that they can approve releases and it will never really
> be possible to exit from incubation.
> I suggest we start with the contributions first.

Can you name the 3-5 active PMC members who will vet the next release?

> On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 2:53 PM, Ted Dunning <ted.dunn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 10:15 PM, Swapnil Daingade <
>> swapnil.daing...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> In that case I suggest we not retire
>>> >> "Darin - yes we've done more planning internally, and we do plan on
>>> having some engineers spend some time on this project, doing some (minor)
>>> maintenance for our customers."
>> The problem is that there is essentially no real community that is
>> happening.
>> None of the engineers previously working on this will be working on this
>> now. And that sort of situation isn't going to change.
>> That means that it will always be a distraction to get committers
>> qualified as PMC so that they can approve releases and it will never really
>> be possible to exit from incubation.
>> Outside of the Apache limits, we can have a much more flexible structure
>> of who can commit. We don't plan to limit who can commit. In fact, we will
>> probably make it more open than an Apache project normally is.

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