Greetings all,

The talk went quite well. I'm happy, it looks like we're getting a consistent number of attendants for the talks (around 17 each time). It's interesting that it's not always the same people. I guess that's a good thing, because we're reaching out to many.

The logs are here:

The talk went quite well. The discussion afterwards was interesting and useful. Some key points that I got from the conference:

* Having non-profit organizations (NPO) can be a significant help for developing OOo.

* An NPO should have a business plan, just like a company. How it's going to get money (membership fees? fund-rasing? donations?) and how it's going to spend it :-)

* An NPO could contribute by hiring developers, or helping contributors lower their expenses. For expample, by sponsoring them to attend OOoCon.

* Be sure to include the community in running the NPO. Especially when it comes to how to spend money (e.g. "who do we hire?").

I encourage everyone to see the logs and the slides for full details.


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