Hello all,

I would like to nominate myself for the "Lang" seat in the next
Community Council.

I will be  available if anyone has questions during the presentations

Best Regards,

Lead of the Native-Language
Confederation, OpenOffice.org 

Le Tue, 13 Oct 2009 10:47:48 -0400,
Louis Suarez-Potts <louis.suarez-po...@sun.com> a écrit :

> All:
> A new election cycle for the Community Council begins now. We, the  
> Council members, hope that we can meet the new members in Orvieto,  
> Italy, at OOoCon 2009 early this November. To do that, however, we
> may have to bend the timing rules a little and accelerate things
> when possible.  But for now.....
> This election cycle inaugurates a new Community Council. Not only
> will we have one more member (to 10) but what we do has changed over
> the year and we have now a greater ability to promote OpenOffice.org  
> around the world. Being part of the Council is to be part of the  
> governing board of what is widely understood to be one of the most  
> important Free and Open Source Software projects in the world. We
> urge you to join us.
> **Call for Nominations**
> On behalf of the Community Council, I would like to announce the new  
> round of elections for the Council and start the process by asking
> the OpenOffice.org Community members to nominate those they think
> would best contribute both to the Council and to the OpenOffice.org
> Community.
> You may nominate yourself. We define membership in our Guidelines.
> [0] This election cycle, one of several, begins with this call for  
> nominations. After a week, candidates will present themselves and
> then we will vote. We detail all this in the Election Process wiki.
> A copy of this message will be posted
> tohttp://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/council/items/call_for_nominations_20091013
>  .
> *** The period for nominations ends 24:00 UTC 20 October.***
> **About the Council**
> The Council is our governing board and among other things, it helps  
> resolve conflict among projects and people and develop guidelines
> for the smooth operation and growth of the Community. Our charter
> explains what we can and cannot do.[1] The current members are
> lighted on the Council's home page. [2]
> Until now, the Council's work has been fairly quiet and its scope  
> limited. But as the OOo project has matured and grown, our focus has  
> evolved. For instance, we now have in place procedures for budgeting  
> and allocating funds for a variety of Community-sponsored events and  
> doings. (These funds derive from donations given by users as they  
> download OpenOffice.org or otherwise independent expressions of  
> support and satisfaction; the funds are the Community's, held in
> trust by the Council.)
> For this cycle, two standing Council members need to be replaced and  
> one fresh member to be elected.
> * Sophie Gautier and André Schnabel, both exemplary contributors to  
> the Project and Council and members of OpenOffice.org almost since
> its inception, have resigned, effective upon their replacement. I do
> not think that we, the Council and the Community, can thank them
> enough for their achievements in makingOpenOffice.org the community
> and global force that it is. My thanks to them both.
> **Rules**
> The rules for the process are detailed in a wiki on the subject. [3]  
> This election inaugurates a new Council, as the number of members
> has changed, from nine to ten, as has their characterization.
> Several categories of OpenOffice.org contributors make up the
> Council membership. Those categories cover the breadth of
> OpenOffice.org. All but one, the permanent Sun representative, are
> elected by community vote. In this cycle, one of the Native Language
> Confederation Representative (aka "Lang") seats (there are two) is up
> for election. As well, we are asking for nominations for one Code
> Contributor Representative and one Product Development Representative.
> ** The point of the categories of representatives is to ensure that  
> the breadth of OpenOffice.org is represented and that its key  
> constituencies find a voice on the Council. We are not saying nor do  
> we wish to imply that you can only nominate and vote for someone in  
> your constituency. Rather, we hope and anticipate that the work done  
> by developers, marketers, translators, document writers, localizers,  
> business people and so many of the other contributors constituting
> our varied constituencies is represented on the Council. We will
> thus strive to promote the election process on the relevant public
> lists, as I detail below.**
> The nomination process starts now and ends 20 October (24:00 UTC).  
> Nominations and the attendant discussions should be conducted on  
> popular public lists, such as disc...@openoffice.org,  
> d...@openoffice.org and so on.
> We will be using tried and true technology for the actual voting:
> the Survey machine; only Community Members will be allowed to vote.  
> Results will be posted in accordance with the published Election  
> Process; the address will be on the Council wiki, as well as sent to  
> the various lists below.
> The details for the process demand attention and we ask that you
> spend some time going over the Election Process wiki.
> * As I mentioned above, we are hoping to conclude this cycle by
> early November. That will mean shortening part of the process a
> little, but which part has not been determined yet. If we cannot
> shorten the process and still keep everything satisfactory, then we
> won't.
> * Note: We have yet to identify our observers but for the purposes
> of this election, I shall serve as commissary.
> This announcement will be posted to the relevant public lists, as  
> detailed in the Election Process wiki: d...@openoffice.org,  
> d...@native_lang.openoffice.org, disc...@openoffice.org as well as
> d...@l10n.openoffice.organd project_le...@openoffice.org.
> Regards,
> Louis
> [0] http://www.openoffice.org/dev_docs/guidelines.html
> [1]
> http://council.openoffice.org/councilcharter12.html#PowersoftheCouncil
> [2]
> http://council.openoffice.org/councilcharter12.html#CouncilMembers
> [3]
> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Community_Council/Items/Election_Process_Proposal
> --
> Louis Suarez-Potts, PhD
> Community Manager, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> OpenOffice.org
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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